Our new Circuit Overseer was telling us yesterday that we should be careful that we use scriptures in context, and should always be ready to explain the verse in context if the householder queries our interpretation. Why? Because some people have claimed that Jehovah's Witnesses take verses out of context!
Well it strikes me that the Society does not set a very good example for the publishers in this regard. They often quote verses and apply a sense to them entirely foreign to their original context. Interestingly, the verses they do this to most egregiously often involve support for their organisation or power structure. Two examples:
Prov 4:18 - there is no sense in this verse or the surrounding context that it is talking about an organisation progressively understanding divine truth. It seems to be saying the a righteous person will get wiser over time as they walk with God in their life. No wonder this verse is only read in isolation.
Luke 12:32 - in context Jesus says nothing about the "little flock" being a small group who go to heaven as opposed to all other believers. The context reveals the mundane fact that Jesus was talking about his followers as a "little flock" as distinguished with the unbelieving "crowd" in verse 1. No wonder with verse is usually read in isolation.
Have others got favourite examples?