I have been very upset at the unkind way skally and johny chip have been talking to the new ones on this thread who are obviously
in a state of great emotional turmoil at the moment. I couldn't find the words without being as rude to them as they have been to
those dear new friends who are now, where we once were, and who need our help. So with your kind permission I would like to repeat
some of your last post Auld Soul.
You are both acting EXACTLY like JWs say all apostates act. It is fine with me if you want to prove the WTS right about you . They aren't right about me. And I won't be bullied by THEM, or YOU, or SKALLY, or anybody else . I didn't just learn to not put up with THEIR crap, I don't take ANYONE'S crap.
I have no doubt Skally thinks she is really up on it all. But she is still calling the elders and higher ups "rank/file" even though that only refers to the very lowest levels of dubdom. I have seen her use it incorrectly on a half-dozen threads since I mentioned it. And if cussing could win hearts away from the WTS, you'd sure be in the running for #1, but...frankly, I don't think many JWs are gonna find your approach too appealing, johnny.
Telling JWs off doesn't give them a way out, and you two are trying to compel the forum to believe that it does. You can't bully JWs into leaving, and you sure can't scare 'em into leaving. If you don't CARE whether or not they leave, your approaches are PERFECT.
Thank you Auldsoul