Say You're a Bethelite & Monitoring JWD - How Would You Feel About THESE??

by Seeker4 356 Replies latest jw friends

  • yesidid

    I have been very upset at the unkind way skally and johny chip have been talking to the new ones on this thread who are obviously

    in a state of great emotional turmoil at the moment. I couldn't find the words without being as rude to them as they have been to

    those dear new friends who are now, where we once were, and who need our help. So with your kind permission I would like to repeat

    some of your last post Auld Soul.

    You are both acting EXACTLY like JWs say all apostates act. It is fine with me if you want to prove the WTS right about you . They aren't right about me. And I won't be bullied by THEM, or YOU, or SKALLY, or anybody else . I didn't just learn to not put up with THEIR crap, I don't take ANYONE'S crap.

    I have no doubt Skally thinks she is really up on it all. But she is still calling the elders and higher ups "rank/file" even though that only refers to the very lowest levels of dubdom. I have seen her use it incorrectly on a half-dozen threads since I mentioned it. And if cussing could win hearts away from the WTS, you'd sure be in the running for #1, but...frankly, I don't think many JWs are gonna find your approach too appealing, johnny.

    Telling JWs off doesn't give them a way out, and you two are trying to compel the forum to believe that it does. You can't bully JWs into leaving, and you sure can't scare 'em into leaving. If you don't CARE whether or not they leave, your approaches are PERFECT.

    Thank you Auldsoul


  • daniel-p

    Not to pick on you Johnny, but you seem much more "rabid" than the average JW.

  • bluesapphire
    Tell them there is nothing to fear anymore. It's okay to research for truth. TELL THEM THIS. BRING THEM TO THE SITE. SHOW THEM THE TRUTH THAT YOU NOW KNOW.

    How long have you been out, skally? This is the idealistic and naive way I felt when I just learned it was a fraud. There I went like a big-mouth thinking everyone was going to listen to me and help me bring the tower down. Get real.

    You *should* know all that would happen if any elder or any one period got up on the podium and did what you're suggesting: they would be looked at as if they're demonized or wacko, people would really keep their kids away from the internet for fear their kids will turn wacko just like the crazy loony apostate ex-elder so and so...

    This is probably the WORST advice I've ever heard. I hope no one is taking you seriously and I think you should stop being so stubborn and think about what you're suggesting. Because frankly it's idiotic!

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    AULD SOUL SAID: Most JWs are not rabid, johnny cip. Most don't deserve what Skally suggested END QUOTE... i disagree most active believing jw's are RABID. AND WILL DEFEND THE WT' TO THEIR LAST DROP. and you know this is fact. all you have to do is read the stories here daily about how some faded , no longer a wt believer is getting the shit kicked out of them by their jw family to understand that fullfLedged jw's are RABID . THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR NOT SEEING THIS WITH YOUR KNOWLEDGE, on the other hand many jw's that come to these sites , and are looking for an out of the wt. are very different. any rabid jw deserves what skally suggests and even worst. FOR THE TORMENT THAT THEIR RABID JW FAMILY PUTS THEM ThRough. if you can't see this your blind. i will not get into you trying to tie me with skally. i can only speak of her knowledge of the wt. she has wt smarts and nerve and lots of it. a lot more than i can say for most of the people here. i agree her last few posts were overboard, but then again how many people you know that can run into a boat load of jw's and out talk them all on wt doctine. and make them walk away with their tails between their legs. she's one of the few. so back to are jw's RABID i say yes. if you disagree i will link the posts from yesterday from jwd. were many posters here that are trying to leave the wt and that i support holdheartly. talk about how RABID their jw friends family cong etc. treat them. theN we will talk about RABID. JOHN

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    TO ALL THE POSTERS THAT ARE SCARED SHIT OF JW'S I WAS NOT RUDE TO THE NEW POSTERS, JUST BRINGING OUT SOME POINTS LIKE WHO'S BEEN SCREAMING FIRE IN CROWDED THEATERS. IT'S BEEN THE WT FOR 130 YEARS. JUST LOOK ABOUT AT THE MY BIBLE STORIES BOOK. I'M HAPPY FOR THE NEW POSTERS. AND HOPE THEY FIND WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR. BUT I'M NOT GOING TO BE A WASHY WASHY APOSTATE. AND KISS ASS .I CALL IT THE WAY IS SEE IT. DON'T CONFUSE ME WITH SKALLY. SHE'S ONE HELL OF AN APOSTATE, BUT I'M A WHOLE OTHER BALL GAME. IT MAY COME TO THE POINT WERE I BREAK DOWN EACH ONE OF YOUR POSTS. CRYING ABOUT ME. TILL I GET BANNED FROM THIS SITE AFTER 4 YEARS. FOR BEING a WT-EXPOSER THAT MANY HERE WISH THEY HAD BALLS TO BE. YOU CRY BABIES THINK I NEED TO BE HERE . SHIT I'LL SMOKE A DOZEN JW'S IN FIELD SERVICE . JUST LIKE I DID 2 DAYS AGO. that's why i don;t tell what i do in the field. some crybaby may think i made a spritual dope out of their mommy that , been shunning them for the last 20 years. while they cry every day here that , they hoped someone would tell mommy the facts. well wake up- to the facts. there are people , that do run into your rabid wt worshipping mommy. and engage them for all their theocraptic training is worth. and make them run away crying.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    let's take a poll; which is more rude? jw's in field serv. 1 house holder: i wouldn't let a jw pet my dog. b/c jw's teach hate . and you may teach the dog to shun/hate me. or 2 if you don't read these mag's and become a jw' you will die SOON. now let me ask all open minded persons here . who was more rude. me with my dog. after getting fucked by the wts . or number 2 the jw that wants to take my house after the big A calls me a goat. a hater of god, and tells me if i don't go back to the kingdum hell. the birds are going to pluck out my eyes. etc. i ask who was RUDER. the jw or me. john

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    yesidid; i'll get you a hanky. wake up to the real world. there is no free ride

  • bluesapphire

    Johnny Chip, your posts are so hard to read but the last two had me busting up laughing. Oh how I hope two of those *dear sisters* is my mother in law and my sister; crap! Especially my BIL and SIL. To be a flea sitting on your dog's butt would be priceless just to get to witness this personally! The thing is that there are so many haughty taughty super-fine JWs that it is funny when they get told. And the one-liner about your dog was perfect in my opinion.

    It reminds me of when my son was born and my sister who had been shunning me for a year called to come to see him in the hospital but refused to speak to me! What a god-damned coward I was. I should have listened to my husband and told her to get her head out of the sand and stick it up her ass!

    I think what people are trying to say is that each person has their own style. And there is a time and a place for everything. Demanding that someone get up on a podium and make an announcement is pretty lame. It would be completely ineffective and would only serve to have the person suffer uncecessarily. And I personally like sKally's in your face style most of the time. But in this, I think she's dead wrong.

    Now, give me a rude JW at the supermarket or at my door, there you have a completely different scenario... I wish I had your quick wit. But I don't think so fast on my feet. LOL about the dog again. Loved it!

  • ringo5
    let's take a poll; which is more rude? jw's in field serv. 1 house holder: i wouldn't let a jw pet my dog. b/c jw's teach hate . and you may teach the dog to shun/hate me. or 2 if you don't read these mag's and become a jw' you will die SOON. now let me ask all open minded persons here . who was more rude. me with my dog. after getting fucked by the wts . or number 2 the jw that wants to take my house after the big A calls me a goat. a hater of god, and tells me if i don't go back to the kingdum hell. the birds are going to pluck out my eyes. etc. i ask who was RUDER. the jw or me. john

    Is it really just about winning a pissing contest john?

    I have no doubt that you would win and make sure that everyone around knew it to. I hate to throw in an old saying but " you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar". Or how about, " you may have won the battle but not the war". You really didn't acknowledge that A.S. has managed to help 7 people out since getting out himself, and all without acting the rabid apostate part.

    I myself remember the billboard carrying, frothy mouthed apostates at many a convention, but they were the farthest from my mind when I was at that spiritual crossroad in my life. There was someone I decided to call, who I respected but for some reason had stopped going to meetings. After some initial feeling out on his part, since he was trying to fade himself with a wife and child in, he slowly showed me some information and websites that had helped him and the rest was history for me. Had he shown too much venom toward the WTS, even though deserved, I doubt I would been encouraged to dig any deeper. I may have even seen it as a confirmation that the WTS is right, apostates are a bitter and unhappy people, and put my head right back in the sand. I also hope to reach my own family members one day, and think I know them enough to say that only a reasoned, empathetic approach together with my own successful escape as an example, is going to work in that case.

    perhaps your in your face style works as well, but do you actually know if anyone has gotten out as a result of one of your tirades?

    Have any former dubs come back to thank you? would you even care?

  • vitty


    Your story is so interesting I think you should start a new topic as it may get lost in this one

    Look forward to reading it.

    Sf.. Im pretty surprised at your posts, ive read yours many times, you always seemed well informed about stuff. But I never realized how, naive and uncaring you are for the thousands of ppl who are trying to get out of this org.

    I faded about 2 years ago, with hubby and 1 son. But the rest of my family including my married daughter are still in. I have tried to talk to them about the child abuse issue, but they closed down straight away and we immediately stopped.

    I may be failing them and the rest of my family in not standing and shouting from the roof tops about JWD or any other forum, but I cannot lose my daughter and any children she may have in the future.

    I know the truth, and it kills me that I CANT tell her what I know, at the moment anyway

    So if I cannot get through to them on a personal level how the hell would an elder or CO do it from the platform..................hed be removed pretty pronto and lose maybe all his family in the process.

    You said to Auld soul not to take it the hell can we ALL not do that ?

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