Sorry if posted elsewhere. The new tract (Kingdom News 37) was released last night. Letter read to congregation. Everyone got 50 copies. False religion soon to end. Details of campaign given. Dont carry witnessing bag. Bible, tracts and a notebook to record the interest. Everyone seemed HYPED up.
by stillajwexelder 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hyped up about what? Sounds like the same old same old over and over and over again.
I am duplicating my comments on that tract from another thread here:
/sigh they really lose a lot of clarity with their one-size-fits-all approach to writing. They want to write a tract once and have it translated into 250 languages, but how bizzare does this statement sound to anyone in the Western world:
"A widely respected religious figure, Jesus Christ..."
Let's see, what else do we have here... How about the list of charges they mount against False Religion:
* Meddles in War and Politics: The Society is guilty on both charges, observe the way they acted towards the Nazis before the WW2 broke out. And besides, saying you're no part of the world because you don't engage in politics, but then taking so many cases to the Supreme Court of many lands to affect the laws there is kind of splitting hairs, wouldn't you agree?
* Spreads False Doctrine: It's easy to prove that the Society has spread false doctrine on many occasions in their history. The law of averages suggests that they are currently spreading false doctrine too. Do they get an exemption from this rule?
* Tolerates Immoral Sex: Witnesses may disfellowship gays, lesbians, and people who have sex out of wedlock, but only when they catch them. The fact that they termed it "tolerates" is telling. They know they can't say that Witnesses are cleaner than non-Witnesses, they can only say that they don't "tolerate" sexual uncleanness. The truth is that "Jehovah's Clean People" are no cleaner than "worldly" people. And the Society has a history of tolerating the most immoral kind of sex of all, pedophilia, with their application of an ancient "two witnesses" rule, a rule that is almost impossible to satisfy in pedophilia cases. This means that pedophiles are routinely effectively sheltered and parents with small children are not notified that pedophiles are present, since the pedophiles are "Biblically" innocent.
Then the tract breaks into typical subjective, theoretical interpretation of Revelation (i.e. the "harlot" is false religion, the "beast" is the world political system, etc...) None of this is objectively proveable, it's just a guess. And you will note that this tract doesn't identify the Beast as the United Nations anymore. Possibly this is because the United Nations is a debating society without any actual political power, and the application of the Beast of Revelation to it never made sense in the first place.
Then what do we have? Ah the qualifications for True Religion. If you read these qualifications you will notice that they are vague, slippery beasts that could apply to almost anyone. To prove that they fit these qualifications, they quote a "worldly" book, Holocaust Politics, saying that if more people had been Witnesses, there never would have been a holocaust. (!!!)
Interestingly for a tract that is supposed to prove that the end of False Religion is near, this tract establishes no reasons for urgency, no explanations why this destruction is nearer now than it was the last time this exact same tract was published in 1973/1974.
Nice try, Society, but no cigar. Buh-bye. -
BlackSwan of Memphis
sounds like a typical special campaign. Just leave the tract and get outta there.
It might have been released this week in the kingdom halls, but it was released on here around 6 - 8 weeks ago, and more than a few people have already seen it. The churchgoers of Derby are ready and waiting for the dubs to call.....
I waas at the meeting. It seems to me- special campaigns are EASY TO DO. It's a way to leave something for everyone, at little cost, but mainly to get inactive or barely active witnesses to get out there. After getting them out, they can be "encouraged" to do it more.
I also believe that special campaigns will keep costs down for the United States literature distribution. There was also the "Invite everyone to the District Convention" campaign- a one-page flyer. Expect more next year.
Lady Liberty
Hyped up about what? Sounds like the same old same old over and over and over again. Whew hew!!! They are hyped up because they don't have to carry a service bag!!! Whew hew, whew hew!!! L.L.
False religion soon to end.
Even Islam?
This was interesting ...
"All should keep track of the number they place and note this on the back of their field service reports at the end of October and November. The secretary will tabulate the total for the congregation and report it to the branch office at the end of each month."
I don't remember special campaign tract placements being reported in times past.
I don't remember special campaign tract placements being reported in times past.
True. This is probably to get us used to "counting" tracts, so they can have publishers place them more often.
"We gotta keep rank-and-file busy and keep costs down. Most people in the U.S. don't read the literature, so let's give them
something small to throw away. Most witnesses don't want to talk doctrine to householders, so let's tell them just to leave the
tract and move on. They will 'feel' like they served Jehovah and followed organizational instructions. WIN WIN."