by stillajwexelder 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zagor

    I'm really amazed that they still have audacity to preach that. Who are they kidding? What religion is going to be destroyed? Catholic? Muslim? Hindu?
    I mean come one, what politician, elected by people would have balls to even contemplate such a career-suicidal step. I'm starting to believe that GB really believes their own delusion.

    Was that THE BIG NEWS we were expecting in October??

  • zagor

    .... come to think of it, you can't completely root out religion even in communist states let alone in democratic countries

  • aniron

    "Everyone gets 50 tracts"

    Is this just the publishers in the congregation? There are 7 JW congregations within this area on average with 80 publishers in each, thats 560 publishers. Each gets 50 tracts thats 28,000 tracts. The population of the area is 350,000 approx. That means one tract between 12 people.

    Are they only giving them to people who answer the door? If they are, then in my old territory they could be at it for months.

    If they can't take a "wtnessing bag" are they meant to carry 50 tracts, a Bible and a notebook.??

    If going by past "tract campaigns" people will still be carrying them round for months.

  • headmath

    Don't tell me I have to remove this tract from the laundromats too!

  • OnTheWayOut

    stillajwexelder wrote:

    it is to be quick but we have to record interest. What is interest - if they accept the tract?

    They never made hard fast rules about that, but yes, if they accept the tract, call again. Most people won't keep track

    of EVERYBODY who gets it in their hands, but will try to remember those that really seemed like they would read it.

    Keeping publishers busy on return visits cuts down on distribution and makes publishers feel productive. WIN WIN.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Dont carry witnessing bag. Bible, tracts and a notebook to record the interest.

    Well I never, I got counceled for doing that.

    You ran ahead of the organization- spoiled the UNITY. That would be like rejecting "this generation" before the Governing Body did.

    TSK TSK.

  • OnTheWayOut

    blondie wrote:

    *** w79 10/15 p. 15 par. 13 Sustained by the Millennial Hope ***

    With the discerning eye of faith, Christians can even now see that "disgusting thing"?the U.N.?"standing where it ought not," with "horns" threatening the so-called ?holy realm? of Christendom. (Mark 13:14; Matt. 24:15) The desolating of false religion draws near! She has miscalculated in placing her trust in this "disgusting" beast! As the reader discerns these things, what should he do? Jesus answers: "Begin fleeing to the mountains."

    Did I miss something? Did they flee to the mountains before I even became a witless? I'm sure the article explains that this just means to get out of Babs the Great, but that's not what they are saying. Why would they even go to the UN library if they were fleeing to the mountains? What if the day and hour arrived while they were checking out books?

  • blondie

    Here's where I placed my 50 tracts:

  • blondie

    Or better here:

  • restrangled

    My husband reminded me that Head Quarters in any business, and this is a business, are mainly concerned with numbers and blame those out in the ranks for problems.

    The ranks numbers are down, this is a way to get them up. If you can inspire even 70 plus year olds to pioneer the numbers should go up. ( 2-70 plus year old ladies in my family) They have made it as easy as possible, you don't have to lug a book bag, or bible. Just a few tracts, drop them at people opening doors and when you get back to the car write down interest. Get out 50 of them, and get star status if you have to request more.

    Message is the same, along with the sales campaign. How often do you watch commercials from car dealers, furniture companies etc. Every week there is a special sales event, lowest pricing ever etc. It's going to end in 2 days, you must shop now or lose out.


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