Today, we are cleaning out the basement and the garage of things that donot belong to us!!!
( I explaned this all on another post, but will explain again..)
We rented this house a few years ago. The landlord passed away and her son offered us the house as he was wanting to sell it. we agreed and bought the house..That was well over a year ago and their belongings are still in our double garage and basement which ment, we had no acess to any of the room...we asked, and attemped many phone calls, and letters, with no answer to what he was going to do with the now, we have rented a bin, (which was brought to us yesterday that we rented and when they brought it, they dropped it off on top of our garge door...) and we are clearing out all the junk belongings...what a freaking job it has been....I am going to attempt to send the "x" owner the bill of cleaning out all his crap!!!
anyways, that is my day for a saturday....
HOpe everyone is enjoying there free day...