original sin and evolution creationists

by BlackSwan of Memphis 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis


    Wow, that was beautifully said. Are those your own forumulated thoughts or that which you've taken from others? And to be clear, I don't mean that as an insult. More of a: Is this the philosophy of the religion (whatever it may be) you personally ascribe to or thoughts you've gleaned from various philosophers over the years?

    OR have you just kicked back, observed life and had an excellent epiphany?

    Either way, nicely said.


    The whole universe is in a continued state of evolution, seeking to advance and improve. This how life works. Morality is conduct that benefits the human race and allows it to continue its evolutionary journey.

    This is similar to what I go back to. It's just a part of our growing and evolving. I'm interested in reading the link that girasole provided. The details of this topic are too interesting to ignore.

    The Watchtower Society said in their Evolution book, that evolution was like an explosion in a printing factory producing an encyclopaedia. This is an ignorant statement. Evolution is not a blind process but an intelligent process, in the same way as we talk about - the evolution of the motor car but we do not think it happened as a result of an explosion in a car factory.

    I hate to say this, please people's don't flame me, but I can sort of see the point they're trying to make.

    Out of one huge explosion came about some very detailed processes. If there was an intelligent source behind the explosion, making it a controlled explosion of sorts, it would make some sense.

    I think about how in the very beginning, the smallest particles would come together to eventually create living, thinking species that would continue to evolve. It's just amazing. I have been reading about dinosaurs with my youngest daughter and I am amazed at what these creatures could do. A person who has only seen one movie or read a book might not realize the hundreds of kinds of dinosaurs there were. And then when you go backwards from there. The very detailed processes that took place to get us where we are today, is simply incredible. I'm not saying that this requires a designer, but just looking at the whole thing, is in a way, quite beautiful.

  • ellderwho
    Yes, but evolving from what? Does non-moral or im-moral code give birth to moral-code?

    Define moral for the animal kingdom. Define moral for humans.

    What is the moral code?


    Indeed, this very issue as I said is what perplexs me, while I try to think as an evolutionist.

  • skeptic2

    Good and bad, morals etc - in evolutionary terms, these would appear at the same point our ancestors became self-aware, the understanding that there is another mind like yours behind that other face. Self-awareness is the first step to empathy, the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes. I guess at that point our ancestors had the capability to apply your labels of 'good' and 'bad' relatively to the situations they experienced.

    Our ancestors that were self-aware and capable of empathy obviously had the edge over their relations who did not possess these genes.

    I dont see why the question is more difficult to answer from an evolutionary viewpoint, at least we have a framework to approach the question from within. From an anti-evolution creationist standpoint, the question is where did your God get the concept of good and bad from?

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    From an anti-evolution creationist standpoint, the question is where did your God get the concept of good and bad from?

    Oh excellent question.

  • trevor

    Morality is a changing thing. Morality, of course, applies to all aspects of life but when it come to sex - for example, in a world where the human race were dying out through lack of childbirth, it would be people?s moral duty to engage in unprotected sex in order to fill the gap - so to speak!

    However, in a world that faced ruin due to overcrowding, the opposite would be true and advantages to gay sex could be argued.

    The strict moral laws on sex have been created and adjusted to suit the need of each society as the need arose - so to speak!

  • jaguarbass

    If the catholic church believes in evolution. Then you dont have to look to them for answers. You can see they are confused as they also believe in the bible which teaches creation. So for the big quesionsin life you dont have to go to the catholic church or the jws. I hope that narrows your search down for you.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Hey Jag, hm, yeah, not really looking for er answers to the big questions in life. Just looking to see how it's reasoned out.

    I think for the BIG questions in life I feel much safer just going with the magic 8 ball.

  • skeptic2

    For anything beyond the reach of scientific enquiry, the magic 8 ball is as good as it gets!

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Yeah, I'm tellin' ya...

    It totally works!

    I asked it if I should buy lotto tickets and it said yes and so I did and I won $5. And I only spent $10 in tickets.

  • skeptic2
    I asked it if I should buy lotto tickets and it said yes and so I did and I won $5. And I only spent $10 in tickets

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