Wow, that was beautifully said. Are those your own forumulated thoughts or that which you've taken from others? And to be clear, I don't mean that as an insult. More of a: Is this the philosophy of the religion (whatever it may be) you personally ascribe to or thoughts you've gleaned from various philosophers over the years?
OR have you just kicked back, observed life and had an excellent epiphany?
Either way, nicely said.
The whole universe is in a continued state of evolution, seeking to advance and improve. This how life works. Morality is conduct that benefits the human race and allows it to continue its evolutionary journey.
This is similar to what I go back to. It's just a part of our growing and evolving. I'm interested in reading the link that girasole provided. The details of this topic are too interesting to ignore.
The Watchtower Society said in their Evolution book, that evolution was like an explosion in a printing factory producing an encyclopaedia. This is an ignorant statement. Evolution is not a blind process but an intelligent process, in the same way as we talk about - the evolution of the motor car but we do not think it happened as a result of an explosion in a car factory.
I hate to say this, please people's don't flame me, but I can sort of see the point they're trying to make.
Out of one huge explosion came about some very detailed processes. If there was an intelligent source behind the explosion, making it a controlled explosion of sorts, it would make some sense.
I think about how in the very beginning, the smallest particles would come together to eventually create living, thinking species that would continue to evolve. It's just amazing. I have been reading about dinosaurs with my youngest daughter and I am amazed at what these creatures could do. A person who has only seen one movie or read a book might not realize the hundreds of kinds of dinosaurs there were. And then when you go backwards from there. The very detailed processes that took place to get us where we are today, is simply incredible. I'm not saying that this requires a designer, but just looking at the whole thing, is in a way, quite beautiful.