Life IS hard to deal with.

by Undecided 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk


    I'm so sorry to learn about your son and your wife's sister-in-law's dad!

    Claire and I went through a similar trauma to yourself some years back when our older son had to be admitted into hospital. It was horrendous - but thankfully he recovered. Your son will, too!

    Yes, life is hard to deal with at times - but I am always aware that there is someone worse off than me. That doesn't alleviate our problem at the time, of course, but when we get through the trauma we realise we are by no means alone. Wanting to understand the cause of suffering is one of the things which started me off on my spiritual journey. I quickly realised I was in good company - because that's something that started the Buddha off on his quest, too!

    All good wishes to you, your wife and especially your son. ((((((((()))))))))


  • MsMcDucket

    Undecided it's been a hard week for me too. ((((hugs)))) We had to put my mother back into the hospital. You know that she got brain damage, from lack of oxygen, when she went into respiratory arrest and then into cardiac arrest back in July. The brain damage caused her to have myoclonus (jerks that resemble seizures). The doctors had gotten the under control; but for some reason, she starting having these jerks again. They are hard jerking movements. I had her taken to ER where they immediately gave her Ativan IV. This stopped the myoclonus. She has been admitted back into the hospital.

    I read a card somewhere that said: When life gets you down, look up.

    I'm glad to hear that your son pulled through!

  • damselfly


  • parakeet

    Glad to hear your son is recovering, Ken. But I agree, sometimes life sucks beyond the telling of it.

  • codeblue


    So sorry

  • Undecided

    Thanks for the kindness you people show me here. He was taken out of ICU and is now in a regular room,so I guess he will be home soon. You never know what tomorrow will bring so I am going to try to enjoy each day the best I can. My grandkids have a job now so I guess they will start paying us back pretty soon and my wife and I can go to the beach and have a recovery period in our camper down there at Emerald Isle. We like going in the fall when it's not so crowded and it's cool, plus cheaper to stay in the camp ground.

    Ken P.

  • GoingGoingGone


    So great that he's out of the ICU!! You must be so relieved.

    Have a good vacation - you need it!


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