I have been invited to a judicial meeting.......

by AK - Jeff 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    I think you covered it all Jeff!!

  • fullofdoubtnow
    I will not be able to attend the event you have so thoughtfully planned in my behalf, as this date marks the date of my dead brother's birthday. We are planning an all out 'apostafest' that night. We will sit around a campfire and take turns having a blood transfusion, as we worship tiny smurf dolls, followed by drunkeness, fornication, lots of nudity [frontal and rear], some homosexual behaviour, and a late night sceance to finish the evening. When dawns early light comes, we will have a full military salute of the flags of all nations, carve a pumpkin, light fireworks, and hang Chrismas lights. Holloween treats will be passed among all the children, and lots of presents will be found under the tree. We will then adjourn to the bar, later we all group-join the YMCA. As evening settles in, we will be found peacefully smoking a joint, pipe, or cigar as we sip vermouth and burn our blood cards. .....

    Jeff, send them that one, and end it by inviting them to the "event" you have planned!

  • Mary
    I will not be able to attend the event you have so thoughtfully planned in my behalf, as this date marks the date of my dead brother's birthday. We are planning an all out 'apostafest' that night. We will sit around a campfire and take turns having a blood transfusion, as we worship tiny smurf dolls, followed by drunkeness, fornication, lots of nudity [frontal and rear], some homosexual behaviour, and a late night sceance to finish the evening. When dawns early light comes, we will have a full military salute of the flags of all nations, carve a pumpkin, light fireworks, and hang Chrismas lights. Holloween treats will be passed among all the children, and lots of presents will be found under the tree. We will then adjourn to the bar, later we all group-join the YMCA. As evening settles in, we will be found peacefully smoking a joint, pipe, or cigar as we sip vermouth and burn our blood cards. .....

    Don't forget to mention chopping someone's head off during the Birthday celebration. That's an absolute must.

  • Jourles

    You knew this day was coming. You're right about the announcement, it sounds the same either way. I sent letters out to all of my friends and family before my df'ing announcement. I wanted them to know, in no specific terms, why I was going to be df'd. If questioning the org is equated to questioning god himself, oh well. You're on the losing end of the stick no matter what in that type of scenario.

    Over the last year and a half since my df'ing, I'm surprised at the fact that I haven't missed my good friends as much as I thought I would. Sure, they are always in the back of my mind, but not speaking to them hasn't really fazed me. I think it helps tremendously to have another core group of good friends before leaving - it makes the transition easier.

    You can always call me for any assistance you might need.

  • ButtLight
    I will not be able to attend the event you have so thoughtfully planned in my behalf, as this date marks the date of my dead brother's birthday. We are planning an all out 'apostafest' that night. We will sit around a campfire and take turns having a blood transfusion, as we worship tiny smurf dolls, followed by drunkeness, fornication, lots of nudity [frontal and rear], some homosexual behaviour, and a late night sceance to finish the evening. When dawns early light comes, we will have a full military salute of the flags of all nations, carve a pumpkin, light fireworks, and hang Chrismas lights. Holloween treats will be passed among all the children, and lots of presents will be found under the tree. We will then adjourn to the bar, later we all group-join the YMCA. As evening settles in, we will be found peacefully smoking a joint, pipe, or cigar as we sip vermouth and burn our blood cards. .....

    Dang it, I knew I went to the wrong fest!!!!!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    You can always call me for any assistance you might need.

    Thanx Josh. I think I lost your number, buddy.

    Don't forget to mention chopping someone's head off during the Birthday celebration. That's an absolute must.

    You're right on that one, Mary. How could I have fogotten the best part?

    I was just re-reading the invitation they sent. It is speckled with 'interested in your spiritual welfare', 'heartfelt interest', 'shepherds of those needing spiritual assistance'. I about lost my breakfast. These bastards have spent three years slandering my good name and reputation, ignoring my needs, and they dare say such shit? I am honestly about to puke as I think of it. Duplicitous asses!!

    Sorry for that little rant. It just hit me just how evil these sob's are in this sort of thing. I fear no announcment at their silly meetings, I just fear for the ones' that are still trapped by such narrow and bigotted thinking.

    I can't worry about it for the moment - as the tee at the 1st hole is calling me this morning. God, how much more I love life now that I am gone from that crowd! I thank God every day for that. Amen and Amen.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Dang it, I knew I went to the wrong fest!!!!!

    Butt - You can still come if your '666' or 'Apostate Proud' tattoo is still on the back of your hand or your forehead. Just show the usher on the way in.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Put "registering to vote" in your letter. We can't wait for the woman, Hilary Clinton, to teach from the platform.

  • Gill

    Jeff!!! Now I know what I'm going to put in my DA letter....if I ever get round to it!!!!!

  • greendawn

    You will leave them behind to carry on living in their fairy tale world while you get on with living in the real world. They always mark dissenters because they can't afford the truth to come out into the open so even before DAing there is little one can do against the FDS sacred cows and their rotten dogmas.

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