I've received an e-mail from a JW who I'm still in contact with. Telling me that a certain JW Elder has DA'd. I had to read this mail 2-3 times to check it was the right name. Then I replied to the sender asking did he mean who I thought he meant.
This Elder, now in his late 50's, he was a person who lived and breathed Watchtower. Brought up in the "truth" by strict JW parents. Wouldn't have a word said against the WT. Even a hint of questioning the WT was enough to have him jump on you. Never missed a meeting or any field service arrangement. He is married. No children, due to the end being near!!
From what my informer has said it seems that this guy for some reason had started to dig into the WT. Well we all know what happens when you start doing that. It seems the biggest upset for him was the UN scandal. Whatever else he uncovered probably also contributed to his decision to DA. But its come as a big shock to the congregation he was in, which was having troubles anyway. Not sure about his wife though.
This the third JW in last 2-3 years I've heard of who I would never have thought would ever leave the WT in any circumstances. The two previous ones I heard of left over the peadophile issue, both Elders of many years.
Has anyone else had the same experience of hearing of a JW who you never ever thought would leave the WT, but has.