by Dansk 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk

    I've been thinking about the above question a lot lately! I see so many so-called religious people being hypocritical to the religion they profess to have faith in. They may say "Hey, I'm only human", as if this excuses their behaviour. However, they still maintain even a tenuous hold to their faith and may occasionally or frequently go to church and have their kids baptised - but is this to hedge their bets? So, after some real soul-searching, are YOU religious because you're afraid of death?


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Well, I'm not religious now, but I guess I became a jw mainly because I liked the possibiblity of never having to die, because armageddon was oh soooo close.

    I still don't love the idea of death, but I won't rejoin a religion to avoid it.

  • Amazing

    I don't think of myself as religious, but I suppose that if religious means having faith in Jesus Christ, then I am religous. I was raised Roman Catholic, and faith was not about fear of dying, but about going to heaven after we die. Death was, and is a certainty. During my 25 years with the JWs, I eaither planned on living on earth at first, and then later on dying and going to heaven because of having a heavenly hope. Now that I am once again Roman Catholic, I plan on dying one day and going to heaven to be with Christ. No fear of death.

    Jim Whitney


    No,I`m not religious..Many JW`s are dead because they were religious..Ironic...OUTLAW

  • yucca

    I am not religious dont really like the word. I do have a close personal relationship with Jesus. He is my savior, my closest friend . I look forward to being with him forever. I dont fear death.

  • mouthy

    Dansk said>>>are YOU religious because you're afraid of death? I have to tell you I am NOT religious
    But as I have said so many times( & some of those on here are sick of me)I think religion HAS caused more trouble in the world than anything. I have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I WANT to die.... I do believe I will see my 3 kids & Hubby again in a perfect setting....In a place that God intended us to be before one of the Angels wanted to be equel to the Creator ......Paradise.
    Why would I not want to leave MANS/Womans world. I see hate taught by those who have a religion -I see judgement by those who have religion-I feel oppression by those who teach religion I see only the teaching of LOVE the one I call MY friend JESUS >tells Grace to try to practice. I try but because I am imperfect I often fail.... So Because he paid it all...I am going home one day!!!! If I am wrong AGAIN!!!!! what the heck it has given me great inner peace . Something I never had when I was in religions....... Sorry to ramble

  • OpenFireGlass

    This is another reason I don't believe/have faith/have a religion.... I mean, why in the hell am I going to live this life, only to hope for a better afterlife?... Why have faith in someting you could be wrong about, only to find out that you should have enjoyed the life you had...

    No I'm not afraid of death... it's the only gaurantee in life... No I'm not being negative, I'm just keepin' it real with myself.... I love Life, and I can do that without hoping for a "REWARD"...

    PEACE, Mike

  • kerj2leev

    Doing something for the prize of salvation, is selfishness to the core! We should do things for the right reasons not for what we can get out of it. Shouldn't God reward those who do the right thing because they want to, not because they have to full a requirement!

  • riverofdeceit

    I believe most people are religious (why are people ok with believing Jesus will save them but are afraid to be called religious?) because it gives them a get out of death card. Claiming you don't fear death because you aren't going to die sounds disengenous to me. That is just how it comes across to me. Would you have a religious belief system if you were still going to die?

  • bronzefist

    I personally am not afraid of death, I think most people who become religious are.

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