I have a mix of friends from Democrat to Republican. I am a registered Independent myself. I have heard it said, and watched in the news the obvious moves by the Democrats, to put this woman in place to run for the office of President. Although, I can just about guarantee that she will get the majority of the media attention, when she runs. I am not 100% convinced she will get the Democrat nomination, and see it as highly unlikely that she could win the office. I think this, as I think our country has some odd issue with a female President. I think they can accept females in all other positions, but this one. I think she has the best possible chance of any I have seen to this point in history, but she does bring out anger a lot in Republicans. Among Democrats, she seems to be their choice, only because they do not know of any others that will be available or willing to run.
So what do you think, do you think she could win?