Do you think Hillary Clinton is going to be the next President of the USA?

by free2beme 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • uninformed

    I think she will win. Likely pick John (don't hurt the terrorists) McCain as her running mate.

    Then, I wonder who the dems will blame everything on?

    I look forward to listening to Rush Limbaugh for 8 years bashing her.

    Seriously, Clinton would have been a better president if he just wouldn't have lied under oath, and hadn't given military and technological secrets to China.

    Clinton was at least able to speak in whole sentences.

    If the Republicans would have left him alone I think he would have been able to focus quite a bit better. But the Dems are doing the same things to Bush.

    I think it should be somehow against the law to badger a president so bad that he loses concentration on the real issues.


  • free2beme
    The polls say she can win. The Hispanic block and the tree huggers are behind her big time.

    These same people back Kerry, and were not enough. To win, she has got to get the church going family to vote for her and not a Republican.

    That spineless wretch nauseates me. I sure as hell hope not!

    I hear comments like this, about her, often.

    I've seen her hubby on TV about 3 times this past week. And I don't even watch TV that much! I haven't seen any of Hillary.

    I think that her husband and her, have a business relationship. I think he is using his power right now, to get people reminded of the Clinton name in a positive way. To set the stage for her election bid. She is also running for Senator right now too, in NY.

    Likely pick John (don't hurt the terrorists) McCain as her running mate.

    John has already made it clear, he will not switch parties. He has also made it clear that he will run in the 2008 election year. I think the Democrats will swing towards Hilary and the Republicans will swing towards McCain.

    If the Republicans would have left him alone I think he would have been able to focus quite a bit better. But the Dems are doing the same things to Bush.

    That is politics in a nutshell. It will be that way, until this country comes to an end. Personally, I think Clinton hurt himself when he could not control his sex issues. I think, other then that, he did okay. Except the part of selling military missile technology to China.

  • JeffT

    If she's smart she will pass up the temptation to run. Republicans can't stand her, and a lot of people on the left wing of the democratic party don't like any number of her centrist positions, notably on the war in Iraq. She's a target for people on both sides of the spectrum.

    On the other hand, I'd love to watch her and Condi Rice run against each other just for entertainment value.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    What about Mitt?

    Mitt Romney - He's going to be a long-shot, but it could happen. He's a Republican govenor in a highly Democratic/liberal state, and he seems to be liked by both sides. I've noticed that he's been on more talk shows lately, and he comes across very 'normal' and more like a statesman rather than a politician. I think the more people hear and see him, the more they're going to like, BUT he has to get past the political party games of both parties. I really don't think the Republicans know what to do about him (neither do the Democrates)...... hmmmmm, could that mean he's more influenced by the citizens?....if so, how refreshing.....we'll see.

  • free2beme

    I think there is a far less chance of Rice running, then Hilary. I don't think Rice could win, two reasons, one she would be the first female President and two, she is African American. This country has some extreme prejudice states.

  • DanTheMan

    Regarding Condi, I think that lack of support among religious conservatives would sink her way more quickly than racism would. Racism is more of a cultural bias than anything, and culturally Condi is pretty white. But I think she's too intelligent and too much of a realist to inspire the Jesus crowd to come out and vote for her the way they did for dubya.

    I think the next president will be another Christo-Fascist Republican theocrat.

  • jstalin

    Hillary wouldn't lose because she's a woman, she'd lose because she's a screaming banshee.

  • heathen

    Personally don't think she would win but very easily could get nominated . I think the "moral majority" totally hates what Bill did and would rise up to vote for anybody but her . I don't think Dick Chenney has a chance either so this could be the time for a third party ticket to roll into the white house . I'd like to see a libertarian in there so we can get back to all those "american values" everybody is so concerned over instead of watching the train wreck government we have now hacking and slashing it's way all over the world and showing that america is just as barbaric as the ass wipes they are condemning .

  • free2beme
    I'd like to see a libertarian in there so we can get back to all those "american values" everybody is so concerned over instead of watching the train wreck government we have now hacking and slashing it's way all over the world and showing that america is just as barbaric as the ass wipes they are condemning .

    You know, I have strongly considered changing my registration to libertarian. At some point, you have to hope that we get out of this two party system.

  • JWdaughter

    Anything is possible. I don't know that she could actually get enough to win. I hope not. I don't like the woman. I'd rather have her husband as president. I am 40, female and apparently a bit left, so I guess you can take that for what it is worth.

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