Ok, I have had it with religion. I like many people of faith. I enjoy going to church, but i will NEVER get caught up in doctrinal issues again. Everyone can twist the Bible to what they want it to say, and I lack faith that it is inspired. I believe there was a Jesus, I believe that there were 10 Commandments, I believe things that make people happy and healthy and kind to one another. All of the rest is something else. God, if not a God of confusion, is not sponsoring everything attributed to him. I don't think he wanted anyone to take over anything by force. God didn't want people killing babies and raping women. God does not bless people who abuse and mutilate their body in alleged service to him, he does not bless people who hurt others by shunning them, he doesn't want people to die in order to honor life(blood). I believe his ways are greater than my ways, but I also don't believe he put a conscience in me that is purer than His. So the things that appal me are not of God. He made me. I am simple, uncomplicated, normal and loving. I don't care how he created the earth or how long it took him. I don't care if there were non-human humanoids, I am not worried about evolution. If God wants anything out of me it is to love YOU, and my family, and my neighbors and people. It is to not mess up the earth he gave me and to be a blessing to it by making my part of it healthier and more beautiful. God did make those birds. I like birds. That is not a God that would order entire nations slain so the 12 tribes of Israel would have a land of milk and honey.
I have been stuck in bed with pneumonia for two weeks and I had time to think, and read and think a lot more. If all I know is that God is Good, than the first paragraph states my core belief. Be nice to others, help others, love others.