I picked one up today I'm really enjoying. "Screwed, The undeclared war against the middle class" by Thom Hartmann. I am finding it to be very insightful into why jobs are being sent overseas. Why more people are working without healthcare. Why the gap between the CEO's salary and the employees has gotten so huge. Anyway let us know what you are enjoying reading.
Read any good books lately?
by I quit! 29 Replies latest jw friends
Calico Ethel
I read "Marley & Me" recently....which is a really funny (and in the end sad) true story of a couple that get this dog that has really bad manners to say the least. He destroys just about everything in there house and eats everything else that is left...it's a good book, totally recommend reading it, especially if you are thinking of getting a puppy anytime soon.
I also enjoy reading Shakespeare, but that's just me! Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet....etc.
Blue Highways: A Journey into America by William Least. Non controversial check it out on amazon.
I bought a couple of books that were recommended on this board. I loved "To Kill a Mockingbird" about a white southern lawyer in the 1930's who defended an innocent black man accused of rape. The story was told from the perspective of his young daughter. The other book "Catcher in the Rye" does not seem interesting at all. I've read 10 pages, and I find it rather disgusting. Has anybody else read it? Does it get better?
I've just finished The Girls by Lori Lansens
http://www.amazon.ca/Girls-Lori-Lansens/dp/0676977960/sr=8-1/qid=1159228306/ref=pd_ka_1/701-1190433-0385122?ie=UTF8&s=gateway -
I just read End - Time Visions The Road To Armageddon, by Richard Abanes.
I thought Abanes did a good job on the sections on Pyramidology, on William Miller, and on the Jehovah's Witness end time group. Abanes has access to writings of William Miller and those who wrote opinion after Miller. A+ -
Lazy Ozzie and It's Not Easy Being a Bunny---w/my granddaughter
Reading Karin Slaughter murder/mysteries right now. Pretty good.
Mars and Venus in Love by John Gray ----- trying to figure out the male psyche
I'm 3/4 through Joy Castro's "The Truth Book". It's extremely well written. It's also a little painful and heartbreaking to read. I can't imagine living through the abuse that Joy and her brother did. I'm looking forward to finishing the book tonight. I enjoyed meeting her at the book signing, and she said to tell all of you on the forum "Hello!"
The other book "Catcher in the Rye" does not seem interesting at all. I've read 10 pages, and I find it rather disgusting. Has anybody else read it? Does it get better?
Prolly not if you don't like the first ten pages. I've read it three times. It is the quintessential 'coming of age' story - a true classic. But obviously it is not for everyone!
I quit!
Thanx for the replies. One of the things I liked best when I left the tower was being able to read whatever I wanted without worrying about what anyone would say.