If it's called 'judicial', I DON'T SEE WHY YOU CAN'T
Has anyone insisted on bringing a lawyer to jc meeting?
by lighthouse19something 11 Replies latest jw experiences
A few people have tried it, but the elders don't allow it, they'll cancel the meeting and disfellowship you while you're not there. You need to separate the power that the state has from the power that the church has. Any lawyer will tell you that they can't do anything about what your chosen religion does to you, within the bounds of the country's law. As long as they're not physically threatening you, there isn't a court on the planet that cares that somebody's religion came good on their threat to deny you your friends and family. You did, after all, agree to that when you got baptised (you just didn't know it or ignored it, like the rest of us).
Sass is right. You can't do it. IF you insist, the JC won't meet with you. Eventually they will meet without you. I have decided to always take notes whenever I meet with 2 or 3 brothers about my doubts or inactivity. It's not a problem yet, but I bet someone will object. I know that they would NEVER allow your lawyer in.
Your insistance would slow them down, though. They would have to get advice from Big Mother on how to proceed (don't want to get sued later).
I think it's so f.....g weird that at a JC they can take all the notes they want but the accuser cannot have a recorder or a lawyer or just take simple notes.
I think it's so f.....g weird that at a JC they can take all the notes they want but the accuser cannot have a recorder or a lawyer or just take simple notes.
Hunters do not give their prey any advantages.
Perhaps it's time people did start taking lawyers into jc's. If everyone did it, they'd have to allow it. If they proceed without you present and df you anyway, I thought you could sue for that, especially if they have no hard evidence on you for a df'ing offence!
Can you take anyone in with you to a JC meeting? I would think parents could go in with their children, and husbands could go in with their wife...but what about a unbelieving husband, or a just a friend for moral support?
Just found this from the Pay Attention Manual.
If the accused wishes to bring witnesses who can speak
in his defense regarding the matter, he may do so.However, observers are not permitted.
You can only take a witness for the defence no-one for support or to witness the meeting
or a just a friend for moral support?
Lisa - I think you are confused. That's what the elders are there for: Moral Support.
Silly girl.
If the accused wishes to bring witnesses who can speak
in his defense regarding the matter, he may do so.However, observers are not permitted.
These witnesses will be called in to speak their piece, then dismissed again.
They will not stay IN the committee meeting room with the accused.