You are both committing a serious sin here even though you don't realize it.
You are committing the same sin that King Saul committed or that Miriam and Aaron committed. You are acting presumptuously and going against Jehovah's arrangement.
You can't have it both ways. Either Jehovah has an earthly organization or he doesn't. Either this IS his earthly organization or it isn't. Yes it is made up of imperfect men, but those imperfect men have Jehovah's direction. If you don't believe that then you might as well disassciate yourselves and be done with it.
To speak against Jehovah's appointed representatives is apostacy. And it it the sin of presumptuousness to believe that it is your place to make decisions that Jehovah has assigned to those who have "spiritual qualifications". The damage you are doing or may be doing to the brother or sister who is disfellowshipped may be immense.
What you are failing to realize is that Agape love is not just a feeling. It involves work. AND sacrifice. Agape love works what is good toward our brothers. That doesn't mean that we take on a job that is NOT ours to take on. Saul did that when he offered the sacrifice that Samuel was supposed to offer and it lost him his kingship. Jehovah does NOT look upon presumptous ones with favor. To be presumptuous is to be the opposite of humble. To be the opposite of meek. To be proud and to feel that YOU know better (like Eve did).
Or to be like Miriam and speak against the ones that Jehovah has given a very important job to. She was struck with leprousy for her presumptousness. Pay strict attention to yourselves. You are in danger.
Rather telling, I say.