Arthur this is exactly how I feel
Now why didnt that quote work ??????????
I was about stepping in dogg poop.
by Honesty 16 Replies latest jw friends
Arthur this is exactly how I feel
Now why didnt that quote work ??????????
I was about stepping in dogg poop.
Funchback.....rofl.......thank you for the many laughs I get from reading your posts!
I quit!: There is no evidence Jehovah appointed them other than they say he did.
Which, if the Bible account can be credited, is FAR from true where Moses is concerned, eh?
It is odd to me that they can read the same Bible I read and come away believing that God chooses people as his representatives and doesn't give signs to that effect. Moses, Aaron, Elijah, Elisha, Samuel, Samson, Daniel, the 12 apostles, the 70 who went a-preaching, the 1st Century Christians...all had clear evidence of their choosing to back up their claims.
But these yokels have NO evidence whatsoever, and they even published things at the supposed time of their choosing that directly contradict the notion of their having been chosen.
Which is the other odd thing about their having been chosen...they didn't even know until many years later. I couldn't find an instance of that in the Bible, either.
To shun or not to shun ? Didn't Jesus teach that love conquers everything ? Did he not say something like "The first among you that has not sinned throw the first stone ? (sorry I can't remember the exact words.
My point is this, you atract flys with honey not vinegar. When I was active I could not with good conscience shun a person. How could I go agains Jesus' word and not show love instead ?
Oh Honesty
I don't know how you do it. I've mentioned it before; that I could never stand going into those pro-JW chat rooms and web sites. Every time I stumble upon these trite babblings of JWs, I feel as though I've stepped in dog crap with my bear feet. Arthur
I usually just swoop in under the JW moderator's radar, leave a few crumbs of truth about the truth and hit the afterburners. Every once in a while another apostate is being engaged by them and as they try to acquire him for elimination I do take a few to read how the Borg is affecting loyalists. This poster quit responding to my threads and posts on the DEBATE the JW's BOARD a few months ago because it was mentioned that I'm no longer one of Jehoobies Witlesses and can't be telling the truth.
A rather amusing experience I had some years ago.
There was a disfellowshipped person diligently trying to make the attempt to get reinstated. So being, the person's meeting attendance was consistent. Yes, the congregation members shunned the person....all except two gentlemen in particular. One was a unbelieving mate of a sister who always was at the Sunday meeting since he was off on the weekends. The other was a long time Bible study who regularly attended the meetings.
Well, these two would always converse with the one disfellowshipped. I remember them making it known that it was ridiculous to do so AND that they weren't JW's themselves, so nobody should try to convince them otherwise. Needless to say, the elders didn't make a big deal about it. I think that is one of the first steps that probably changed my congregation at that time to shift into the liberal mode (very rare in the JW realm).
I was eight or nine years old then. From that experience (and other reasons of course), I never shun a fellow Christian regardless of what the WTS says.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
I want PROOF that Jehovah chose them.
I want the TIME, the PLACE and the NAME of the brother or brothers Jehovah communicated to and HOW Jehovah communicated to them.
You can't make a claim like this without substantiating it.