I know several people who have had bizarre and whacked-out encounters with what would appear to be otherworldly intelligences and whatever these things are, they will not perform upon command.
I know several people who will deny your claim. Though I doubt many of them are likely to separate themselves from the shadows long enough to try to prove something to you or to anyone else. As well, these experiences are subjective in nature.
As for the rest of this thread, I reside in a fairly peculiar position in that I fully believe in the power of belief in any god to cause effects of one kind or another in a person's experience of life. On the other hand, I have no objective evidence that any such gods exist. I also don't have evidence that some planet entirely inhabited by pencil erasers does not exist somewhere out there.
Now, people will say "this happened" and "that happened" as some sort of evidence that a god exists. Well, not IMO. It might be an indicator that something exists to have caused such an event. But that doesn't mean it's not entirely natural, but unknown at this time, such as lightning as mentioned above. We now know that gods do not physically stand on clouds casting about lightning bolts. We have harnessed the power of electricity, once considered by many to be a power of the gods. To those people, we would be those gods.
I'm digressing a bit. The challenge? I'm sorry, but the burden of evidence is upon the person making the claim. The challenge is upon the believer, not upon the unbeliever.