A story that is hard for me to tell

by under_believer 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    (((((((((( under_believer )))))))))

    A terrible story to have to tell and read, but VERY important for all of us. Talking about abuse is the only way people will understand that a) it happens and b) that it has to be reported and stopped. It was secrecy that has allowed abuse to flourish for so many years. Now it has to be brought out into the open, and stories such as yours help in this process.

  • funkyderek


    When I read your story what came to my mind was the aftermath of a sinful act. The great grandpa's sin definitely would not go unnoticed by Jehovah. Moreso, that he has misled a lot. But let it be clear that the fact that he was the Presiding overseer of the congregation doesnt make him perfect or saint. The bible says that jehovah's judgment will begin from his house - congregation. This implies that there are bound to be a few bad eggs among us. I want you to see all that had happened as a testimony never to leave Jehovah inspite all odds.

    That's utterly disgusting. You're defending a malicious child abuser and the religion that appointed him. Shame on you! What sort of twisted mind would see such a tragedy as a testimony to the veracity of the religion that fostered it?

  • itsallgoodnow
    When I read your story what came to my mind was the aftermath of a sinful act. The great grandpa's sin definitely would not go unnoticed by Jehovah. Moreso, that he has misled a lot. But let it be clear that the fact that he was the Presiding overseer of the congregation doesnt make him perfect or saint. The bible says that jehovah's judgment will begin from his house - congregation. This implies that there are bound to be a few bad eggs among us. I want you to see all that had happened as a testimony never to leave Jehovah inspite all odds.

    What "Noble" said is the exact way my family would see it. It's a cheap explanation for anything, which keeps people who cannot reconcile what they see going on with what they know shouldn't be going on, keeps them faithful. In a way, it probably increases their faith. The "bad apples were prophesied in the bible" theory, which PROVES Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth, although it does NOT prove the catholics have the truth... I'm not sure how that works, but...

    I don't think anyone believes POs are perfect saints, but it would help if they weren't committing felonies on a regular basis, don't you think?

    I love this - MORESO, THAT HE MISLED A LOT. So, misleading someone [away from a cult] is far worse in Jehovah's eyes than raping a child.

    Wow. Noble is actually doing us a favor, exposing the cold, opportunistic attitude of so many Watchtower faithfuls.


  • LittleToe

    Though I don't particularly believe in reincarnation or Dante's Inferno, I can see their attractions in cases like this. While "justice" appears an idiosyncratic thing, in this life, there's something a little more satisfying about the idea of such people getting their just desserts one way or another.


    Noble:I wont attack you personally for your views because I know where you learnt them, but I would ask you to consider standing back in the cold light of day and considering whether you would feel the same way if it were a situation in another denomination, like the Catholics. Hopefully the hypocrasy of the WTS position will become blindingly obvious.

  • diamondblue1974

    UB - your tail was gut wrenching all the moreso because of its truth and further because it is all too familiar; Thank you for sharing, it mustve taken a lot of courage.

    When I read your story what came to my mind was the aftermath of a sinful act. The great grandpa's sin definitely would not go unnoticed by Jehovah. Moreso, that he has misled a lot. But let it be clear that the fact that he was the Presiding overseer of the congregation doesnt make him perfect or saint. The bible says that jehovah's judgment will begin from his house - congregation. This implies that there are bound to be a few bad eggs among us. I want you to see all that had happened as a testimony never to leave Jehovah inspite all odds.

    Noble -

    This type of rhetoric serves no purpose but to highlight just how impregnated these cultish ideas have become; its akin to 'waiting upon jehovah to sort it out in his own time' - personally I think that is shite. If the body of elders is spirit ordained or guided by the holy spirit then how do these attrocities take place and go unoticed? They do because the organisation and the religion is man made and abusive just like most other organised religions. I can understand why you say these things on some level but I hope your cultish mindset is soon replaced by a more humane sense of right and wrong.


  • katiekitten

    Thank you under-believer for posting that. It is an important account that I will tuck away and keep inside me forever.

    Oh, and thankyou Mouthy for the book recommendation 'Toxic Parents'. I think id like to read that after UB's eloquent testimony.

    And Noble. Its so EASY to pontificate when nothing remotely as wicked has touched you or your family personally. I have made similar thoughtless statements myself relating to other peoples situations. But I have also found that when genuine badness actually touches your life all the theories and neat pat little religious justifications dont touch the reality.

  • dedpoet


    Thankyou for sharing that, you are very brave. It was hard to read, but worthwhile.


  • Brigid

    Dear Underbeliever,

    I can only imagine how painful it was to bring forth those words...that story. I applaud your courage in doing so. You don't know who all you have touched here with it.

    I hope that it was cathartic for you.

    Love and Light,


  • Undecided

    All religion has these problems.

    There is too much pain, fear, abuse, oppression and confusion under the filthy carpet of the wt$.

    I see it all the time in Christain churches. My wife doesn't attend church because of these type of things happening. Lot was a good example of this.

    Ken P.

  • Woofer

    I'm sitting here at work with tears in my eyes while reading your story (good thing my boss is out of town today).

    My heart breaks for your family that was victimized. I was a victim of molestation by my MS brother-in-law and so was my sister. Although I don't blame anyone for my actions (being d/f) I can see how he robbed us of the best years of our life. I made bad choices (getting married to someone I hardly knew) to ge away from having to see him twice a week at the meetings, let alone at family visits. My sister has been in and out of the religion several times herself. I just wonder what our lives would have been life if he had not done those things to us?

    Thank you again for sharing your story . . .it makes me feel like I am not all alone.

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