Does Good Sex Make Lasting Marriages

by love2Bworldly 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondblue1974
    DB74 (sorry using Sirona's PC)--good thing you clarified! I was just going to ask if you were really a guy. (because of this part- You can have good sex with pretty much anyone)

    gave the game away didnt I? LOL.

    Intimacy and sex are two different things.

    Many people can have great sex even with total strangers. But there is no intimacy.

    This is precisely the point I was raising, you can have sex and enjoy it but if the intimacy and emotion isnt there it doesnt do much for the relationship on the whole. Didnt mean it to sound as crass as it must have seemed.


  • juni

    Having a good and fun relationship w/respect for each other is the start. What follows is intimacy of mind and body. Which then leads to a loving and fulfilling sexual relationship.

    For instance, Chris Reeve and his wife Dana could not have physical sex relations, but they had a very intimate relationship. They were close friends. There was trust, love shown by deeds and touching and words expressed. They laughed together.

    So it is a combination of relationship and intimacy short of sexual intercourse that will keep a marriage intact. Being physically able to have sexual relations is icing on the cake. Sexual relations w/o the other breeds resentment atleast on the women's part. At least that's how I feel.


  • Forscher

    Good sex is icing on the cake!

    But there is much more to a good marraige, just as there is alot more than just icing on the cake. I've seen more than one marraige only based on sex fall apart when the going got tough or the thrill wore off.

  • frankiespeakin

    Define "good sex". To some people haveing an orgasm is good sex.

    To me good sex lasts for hours with multible orgasms for both. Now if thats' what you mean then yeah, that kind of good sex will be a very big help to make a good marriage, the women will certainly get the attention she wants, he will probably listen a lot better, they no doubt will be better atuned to each other.

    Women should always want to f**k thier guy silly, and visa versa. Try differnet positions, and keep switching the work load don't alway be on top take lots of vitiamins and excercise regularly, and turn off that dam TV you don't need the thing on in the bed room unless there's porn on it.

    Doctor Roofie

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Women should always want to f**k thier guy silly, and visa versa

    That just isn't real life. If there are kids - forget "always" People have jobs and things to do real lives outside of the bedroom

    and yes I edited your post

  • frankiespeakin


    Yes I suppose that's true, work, kids,cleaning, taking care of a yard, take thier toll on our sex life. Maybe that is part of the problem, letting too many things get in the way from having great sex often.

  • bronzefist

    It all depends on the amount of value each partner assigns to their sexual incounters with each other. A lasting marriage is made up of many different parts sex being just one aspect. Many couples stay together even after numerous devasating events in their lives together. Some fall apart over the most trival reasons.If good sex alone makes for a lasting marriage...well IMO that's a marriage between sex organs and not real people who truly love each other.

    bronzefist (1 and1/2 marriages to date)

  • juni

    What's a 1/2 marriage Bronzefist?? Is that like the 2.3 kids per family?

    You're such a goof!


    Old wise guy said:

    If good sex alone makes for a lasting marriage...well IMO that's a marriage between sex organs and not real people who truly love each other

    Do you think the BOE would allow for a marriage between a believing organ and an unbelieving organ at the Kingdom Hall?

    Appreciate an answer to clarify. Thank you. Juni

  • Blueblades

    No! Keeping your "VOWS" does. Remember, it is for better or worse, in sickness and health, richer or poorer etc. Sharing all things together. Keep remembering your vows, do that and everything else will take care of itself. Don't let the cares of life crowd out the times that you need each other in intimacy. Take time to hold each other, it does wonders for your emotional health and relationship. I'm talking from 40 years of experience with the same woman, my loving wife.


  • stillajwexelder
    Women should always want to f**k thier guy silly, and visa versa

    I am a man and this comment although I hope said jokingly is just not reasonable. Hell after a long stressful day at work I sometimes do not feel like sex. So imagine a women that has just changed a couple of diapers, and fixed dinners aand had a bad nights sleep the night before, sex is just about the last thing on their minds -and rightly so!

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