I found this interesting. My mom was over today - she tried to steer the conversation a bit but i didn't take the bait (thanks to this board I knew she was gunning for the new tract "Bad Religion is Bad" discussion. She had to go home because they were going "out" tonight - of course, I asked where. (dad is notvery social, so I was pleased for her)...she became very evasive but eventually I gathered that per their CO's recomendation there was an "invitation only" meeting for the big guys and there wives to attend at the kh. It sounded like a semi formal meeting to help both husbands and wives participate in meetings, take the lead more etc but she was very vauge. Her vaguness might have been that she didn't want to tell me he was a ms but it I still found it an interesting twist. Since when do they consider you an elder and elderess - or is this something that has always happened and I just never was aware?
Elders and MS Meeting that includes Wives
by sosad 15 Replies latest jw friends
Last week they made an announcement for all baptized brothers to meet in the back room after the TMS. Next week the CO is visiting.
I never went so i really don't know what was discussed but i would not be surprised if the Borg is trying to encourage brothers to reach out.
I will ask someone at the next mtg. what's going on.
Since when do they consider you an elder and elderess - or is this something that has always happened and I just never was aware?
I'm guessing they invited sisters along, so that they could have someone serve refreshments to them.
I'm guessing they invited sisters along, so that they could have someone serve refreshments to them.
Arthur, you beat me to it. That's the only reason they'd invite wives to an elders and servants meeting, to keep them from dying of thirst because of all the hot air that will be circulating in the room. They won't be privy to anything being discussed, that's for sure.
Privacy and confidentiality are out in our local Cong.
In a recent problem, the elders have enrolled 3 elderettes and an elderettes mother to take an active part in the so called solution to the problem, sorry to be vague at this time, if you have read my profile and some of my postings you will know why.
Gosh fokyc (I never know how to pronounce that!), just read your profile. Hope all goes well.
They might as well invite them, they get to hear of everything anyway.
I can believe they are "encouraging" the elders/MS and their wives to participate more.
When I attended meetings, the conductor had to drag answers out of everyone...even Blondie couldn't answer on every paragraph.
What I noticed was that although there were 7 elders, 7 elders wives, 3 MS, 3 MS wives as well as 7 regular pioneers (that weren't in the first categories) = 27 possible commenters for an article of 25 questions.......yet only 2 elders and 1 elder wife ever answered, week after week. So instead it was people who read their answers from the paragraph, children who stumbled over words they didn't know what they meant, 3 children answering the same question with either "jehovah" or "Jesus", or ten minutes spent discussing the pictures with only children who had not seen the picture until mom or dad put it under their nose right then.
I guess I can see why my answers seemed erudite.
It sounded like a semi formal meeting to help both husbands and wives participate in meetings, take the lead more
This sounds more likely, rather than it being an elders and servants meeting. We are not close to any elders and wives these days so i don't suppose I would hear if something similar were done here. Are we saying that this was on Saturday night? No doubt they had the elders meeting in the week.
I would agree with Blondie about the dire state of comments these days . At my last cong. I had moved in and noted a terrible lack of involvement by youths and sisters. After a bit I realized that they were the elders own families ! .. It seemed they all suffered "shyness" which stopped them answering....
frozen one
I'm going to guess that there was some sort of Satanic rite occuring that involved spouse swapping as the required ritual sin. Just pure speculation on my part though.