Jw's have been making pests of themselves at my house. 2 weeks ago 2 guys came here and Gwen let them have it, nicely. They will never be back she thought, and so did I. Well today, while I was at a Job, two ladies came by (one has been here before, and i have met her, but i don't know her). here is the bottom line. they were fishing for information about ME. they made it a point to only come here to fish, they were not here "working " the street. Gwen was outside in the driveway when they came, so she knew ho they were. (jw's). The other guys that were here realized that Gwen was an ex-witness and remembered her from her childhood years, and questioned her about coming back. to which she said no. not interested. obviously. Anyway this lady was asking about ME, knew I used to be in a congregation 25 miles away, knew i had 2 stepkids. Asked if i was disfellowshipped, but Gwen said, not, disassociated. and anyways what difference does it make, either way you people view him the same way. she said maybe, it depends. i do not know this woman, yet she was able to put gwen and myself as kids together, and make the connection to our being together now, and was still fishing for onformation. Gwen figured that she was looking for info for my ex-wife. I don't think so, because she didn't know anyone here, and never became freinds with anyone here in my first original congregation i grew up in. so what are these people fishing for? what difference does it make 4 years AFTER the fact, AFTER i have been gone, left and disassociated to these people? can i send them a threatening letter letting them know that if they keep this up, i'll sue the panties off of them personally, congregationally, and orgnaizationally? is there a drive for the sisters to ferret out the apostate ex-brothers for future "visits"? what can i do to put an end to these people coming here and fishing, stalking, and prying into my life? thanks. Harold
Need some input...
by zev 19 Replies latest jw friends
A letter to the HQ would be an idea, warning them that you will take further action if there are any more visits. Also, a letter to their congregation with the same warning should produce results. You may get one visit from a couple of elders confirming your letter, but that should be it.
Next time any JWs show up, politely tell them they are "trespassing" and harassing you; and that if they don't leave immediately, you'll call the police and have them charged. Then warn them that if any JWs show up ever again, that's exactly what you'll do, no more warnings.
Or you could put a sound track of a big mean dog barking on your MP3 player and tell them that you have to go tend to "Satan" - he gets so cranky when you're late with his lunch.
kitten whiskers
They probably need something fresh to gossip about for service tomorrow. Those 8-10 hour days can go by so much faster with a little "news" to share with the group.
Hope they leave you alone. I know what it's like to have your stomach churn when they show up. Especially when you can't ignore the knock because your kids are outside playing......they KNOW you are home
what can i do to put an end to these people coming here and fishing, stalking, and prying into my life? thanks. Harold
Dont answer the door when they knock. Dont talk to strangers.
Hi Zev,
I'm not sure what the answer is to the visits. It didn't work to send the elders out in Jan - March 2003 to reactivate the walkaways and interest the castaways to return for more Jehovah's Witness "love". Maybe this is the new strategy, send out the women to do what the men couldn't. On this planet, it wouldn't be the first time that worked.
By the way, did you move your UN page? Yours was the best. The old URL I used for it doesn't work. -
You could always answer the door naked, next time. As I recall, that worked REALLY well for me when I was a pioneer . . .
Seriously, that is exponentially creepy and you are right to be miffed. We all know that a letter might not help, but I'd write one anyway, esp. if you know the cong. they came from. Maybe a miracle will happen and you will get an elder who looks into it . . . or at least warns the meddling woman. It does sound like she has an agenda. Good luck with this!
In this order -- verbal warning, letter to elders, restraining order.
taken under advisement. still inm a quandry what to do, i concidered making a trip to the local kh where these dubuales are from but that would only get me arrested because i know i would get myself in trouble at the first sarcastic and pompus ass remark. gary, the site has been down for 3 + years, yahhoo killed it without a word or notice. i still have it on cd to put back up, and now that my web server in actually in my house, maybe i will.