Need some input...

by zev 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • fokyc

    The JW's are becoming more like the KGB everyday, in Alaska you are a bit close, aren't you!!


  • garybuss

    Zev, you wrote: "gary, the site has been down for 3 + years, yahhoo killed it without a word or notice. i still have it on cd to put back up, and now that my web server in actually in my house, maybe i will."

    I wish you would. It's the best site from the guy who knows most about the topic. Let us know the URL.

  • nelly136

    nice do not call letter to the kh and keep a copy. cc a copy to your lawyer?

    your site was cool zev, would be nice if it went back up, ((((u&gwen)))

  • Quandry

    How about turning the tables? Since they are interested in talking to you, you pick the topics. How about the scandal of men who abuse children and are still in their positions? How do they feel about that? How about the fact that the WTS associated itself with the UN for over ten years? Could they please explain that to you? Etc. etc. etc.

    If they do return, it will be because they will want to know more about this information.

    I would look at it as an opportunity. Perhaps, just perhaps, they might listen or pass the info on to someone else.

  • zev

    quandry, especially seeing as how they have a child molester in the local congregation. tsk tsk. anywho, just put a folder on my desktop with all the un stuff in it, all i have to do is fix some bad links and stuff and HOPEFULLY it will be back up on my server today.

  • garybuss

    Zev, With your mind, you won't have any problems with Jehovah's Witnesses. If anyone needs help, It'll be them.

    You wrote: "anywho, just put a folder on my desktop with all the un stuff in it, all i have to do is fix some bad links and stuff and HOPEFULLY it will be back up on my server today."

    Awesome! Please post the link when you get it up.

    (For people just reading the History of the Witness movement, Zev is the person who discovered the United Nations / Watch Tower connection. His story is extremely interesting.)

  • unbeliever

    Whenever I have dealt with dubs on a fishing expedition they are looking for info. My mom has sent dubs I know to ask me questions about my sister who is df'd. Ashame she can't ask herself. Does your ex wife need proof that she is free to remarry? That could be it.

  • zev

    does hawkaw still post here? i need to get ahold of him.

  • garybuss
  • zev

    gary, i'll pm you a link for now. to the rest of y'all, i'll post more information on the site soon. be patient. thanks. Harold

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