How do you deal with the disorganized world?

by free2beme 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Okay, this is kind of an odd point, but bothers me. In my time away from the Witnesses, I have been involved in things like trade shows, athletic competitions and even some work related events. In all cases, I am often surprised at how annoyed I get with people who can just not organize an event. As an example, I was asked to help with a trade show once and when I got their to work it. No one knew anything, the people were all depending on one person to tell them what to do and that one person was spread so thin, that they could not get anything completed or explained enough to get the thing done. It was started late, it was disorganized and frankly, IT DROVE ME NUTS! What I have noticed, is that when I have been in charge of things, I am the opposite to this. I organize, delegate, and work in such a way that the events are often praised and the people want me to do more. The thing is, I have to thank the Witnesses for my skills in this department. I learned some very important skills to organizing people. Although, woman and men are in control in my way of doing things, and not just men. In all, I notice disorganization more now, from my background. I also notice, that when it happens, it irritates me that people can not figure out what seems like such basic skills to me. Does anyone else notice this about the rest of the world, that many of them are disorganized messes?

  • Mysterious

    Yes but I've always been very organized. I credit playing MMORPG's with developing my leadership skills more than anything else. Now I train people at work all the time as well. Mostly I just make sure I take care of anything important myself, delegate the rest and if it's a mess and I'm not in charge try not to sweat the incompetence.

  • blondie

    I realize that I have to compare oranges to oranges. Not everyone at the KH is good at organization. The ones who get involved in the conventions, assemblies, and in-house activities in the KH tend to be the more organized ones.

    Thus I find that the organized non-JWs tend to be people who are active in politics, non-profit organizations, committees at work, scheduling meetings, church organizations, etc.

    There are drones in every category, JWs and non-JWs. The leaders and the followers.


  • Tigerman

    Well, I was kinda thinking about joining up with some type of high control group that would pretty much make all of my life's important decisions for me. Any suggestions ?

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover
    I also notice, that when it happens, it irritates me that people can not figure out what seems like such basic skills to me. Does anyone else notice this about the rest of the world, that many of them are disorganized messes?

    Yes, and it's not just disorganization that bothers me, it's also a refusal or lack of desire to step up and take responsibility, even for mundane things. I feel like I'm the only one in my department at work who will volunteer for tasks and because of this, my boss just automatically delegates to me. It's nice to know he counts on me, but I'd like to see someone else do the shit work now and then.

    I had jury duty for the first time earlier this year and I ended up being the forewoman because no one else, even those who had served on juries before, stepped up. We literally sat in the jury room for several minutes staring at each other with no one saying a word until I started a conversation about the case. And it was like pulling teeth to get opinions out of everyone. However, all things said and done, I did enjoy it and even wished for a few minutes that I could do it for a living.

    I always feel proud of myself after I do something no one else will. Except for when I clean my bathroom...twice a year...without fail.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I like to be organised, but I realised a long time ago that not everyone is like that. I have been to a few events that have been totally disorganised, and while I admit that I find that a bit irritating, I have tried to make the best of it. I guess some people just haven't got organisational skills, and never will have them.

  • jaguarbass

    Life is a cluster fluck. When you realize that grab your but and hang on.

  • Sunnygal41

    OMG...........I thought I was the only one who had this experience!!! I first noticed it when I began temping. I was working with two experienced, seasoned educators, and they kept coming to me and asking me whether or not "this" was the way to do it or not...........we were registering kids for the following year's kindergarten classes...........I was totally shocked that I was looked upon as the authority............I found out, after working for the Board of Ed for five years, that it was so totally disorganized and chaotic, I couldn't understand how anything got done. Costly misprintings and last minute rushing to get things done was the order of the day.............and, it was costing the taxpayers of this town a small fortune. All I can do is shake my head in total disgust today, as I know from further experience, that alot of this is the norm. I've seen it in the day to day environment of the place I'm working now, a transportation company that has been in business for eighty years.


  • free2beme

    Other control groups might be good at organizing. I would say though, that even the most basic of Witness, had more education in organizing things. Then almost any other organization, religion I have seen. I am not afraid to speak up and say I got that skill from them, I did.

  • Tigerman

    free . . .it shows.

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