Wet dreams??? Because their thoughts are impure, their minds dwell on improper things till it spills over into their dreams, oops. BS
by Gill 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If your feelings are similart to those of Luiz, Pedro or Andre, take courage. You're not alone, and your case is not hopeless! Many young people - and older ones - have struggled with masturbation and have been able to overcome it. You can too.'
ROTF! This would make a good commercial skit for Friday Night Live! Robin Williams could play the doctor doing the infomercial.
Morning all! Here's an articule to help alleviate the guilt.
Masturbating may protect against prostate cancer
- 19:00 16 July 2003
- Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition
It will make you go blind. It will make your palms grow hairy.
Such myths about masturbation are largely a thing of the past.
But the latest research has even better news for young men:
frequent self-pleasuring could protect against the most common kind of cancer.Read the article here.
Acadian -
I remember the old Youth book (red in color) that stated the thought about masturbation leading to homosexuality. What utter rubbish!! Statistically 98% of men masturbate, how is it that only 10% are homosexual? The sad thing is that too many JWs believe everything they read in the literature.
Because it just follows the same line you find in the Bible. Murder is better than sex.
A couple weeks ago they mention David in some Watchtower study, and said he committed THREE terrible sins. And left out the murder of Bathsebas husband.
Its OK for Moses to kill Egyptians and other people that get in his way. But it is terrible for Joseph to shag Potiphars wife. Paul kills christians, but rambles against sex, touching women, .......
Its just Middle East, Stoneage-thinking.
By the way, the greatest satisfaction is to be still on the "inside" and DO WHATEVER PLEASES YOU.......they can't catch you masturbating anyway. So kids. Stay calm. Forget about this. They are just SICK and out of they're minds.
Go on with whatever you where doing.....
i'm sure it doesn't get mentioned anywhere near as many times as it does here
why is jwd so obsessed with it??
Once again it is the watchtowers attempt to ... Control on every level. !
Quandary said
The sad thing is that too many JWs believe everything they read in the literature.
That's what causes the feelings of guilt - the fds have said this, so it must be right, therefore I am doing wrong if I'm going against it. It kind of amazes me that despite all the failed predictions, all the doctrinal changes, all the unscriptural rules, all the bad publicity about child abuse, the UN membership etc, so many jws still see the fds as infallible. I suppose it's true that the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it, and the fds tell the biggest one of all - they have gods backing in everything they say and do. So they come out with this bullshit article, condemning a totally natural act that all young people indulge in, whatever they say to the contrary, and lay a huge guilt trip on another generation of kids in the org.
We can sit here laughing at the stupidity of what these idiots have written, but I doubt that the thousands of young jws who read it will be sharing the joke. If they aren't feeling guilty now, they sure will be soon. I pity them.
I forgot they were God's mouthpiece on earth! NOT!!!!! I remember about the boy who confessed & they had a meeting with 3 others elders ...He came home & killed himself....
the dreamer dreaming
JWs are not the only ones using tactics like this...it basically boils down to divide and conquer... if they can get you to be internally divided emotionally and constantly in a state of guilt they can manipulate you... they are not that different from the abusive lover who makes you feel like a piece of $#!+ that should be profoundly happy because he has wasted his valuable time to care about you.