The anti sex beatings from the WTBTS go on and on!
November 1st 2006 'Awake'
This particular mag has an article on 'Does Romantic Love Justify Premrital Sex?'
I'm not going to go through the entire article asI'm sure most of us have read all this 'stuff' before BUT the point I want to make from this is that this is another guilt trip from the WTBTs with portents of doom for any couple who have sex before their marriage.
'Remember, too, that those who reject God's loving standards reap what they so. 'He that practices fornication is sinning against his own body,' say the Bible. True if a couple who engaged in premarital sex truly repent, work hard to restore their relationship with God, and strengthen their trust in eachother, negative feeling MAY eventually abate. (Caps mine) Still, their past conduct usually leaves a scar. One young couple, who are now married, bitterly regret having committed fornication. 'Are our marital disagreements somehow a result of this unclean foundation?' the husband sometimes asks himself.'
'Sexual intimacies between a husband and wife can strengthen their bond. In a happy marriage, partners also find sexual intimacy more pleasurable and meaningful - and without cheapening the union, troubleing the conscience, or disobeying the Creator.'
It seems that what this article is saying to young couples, probably in love, is that if they do have sex before marriage then the whole marriage will be miserable and doomed to arguments and unhappiness. Instead, it is the WTBTS total brow beating, and guilt imposing that causes the REAL unhappiness.