United Nations Library - The Forbiden Fruit? (kind of long)

by Lo-ru-hamah 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    I am in the process of writing a letter to my mothers sister (Aunt) about the UN/Watchtower fiasco. My aunt will not speak to my mother or father because they are d'fed (for the UN/Watchtower fiasco). However, I guess she thinks that I am a weak link and she sent me a letter, basically, stating the same thing that all JW's say in defence of the Watchtower. You know it wasn't wrong, blah, blah, blah.

    Well, I was discussing the letter I am writing back with my mom and she thought that I made a noteworthy comparison and she thought that I should put it here on JWD. She and my father both thought that it could be used for other JW's as a viable argument point.

    The point is this:

    The Society has a branch New York City. The home of some of the worlds best and biggest libraries. Not only that but they have branches all over the world, which would give them access to any library in the world. Which, reminded me of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. They had access to every tree in the garden. They could have gone to any tree for food. Jehovah had given them a simple little instruction at Gen. 3:3 - But as for [eating] of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it that you do not die.' The Society has behaved in the exact manner as Adam and Eve, Jehovah put restriction on one thing. Any library in the world was at their finger tips. But they couldn't resist the urge to touch the forbidden UN Library. Which, all of us here know, that it wasn't just for a library card but even if it was, it was a simple command to not touch it. They were told by Jesus you are supposed to flee when the just catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation. They didn't flee, and they didn't not touch it. They ate of the forbidden fruit. They have coupled themselves with the one organization that we were instructed to leave alone. By their own words they condemned other religions for touching this forbidden thing and then they did the same thing that they condemned others for doing. Adam and Eve had every tree availble to fill their need, just as the Society had every library at their disposal. Yet, that wan't enough. The consequences of which are the same as those in Genesis. Revelation 14:9-12. Anyone who receives the mark will die.

    Anyway, I know that the UN thing has been beaten to death but I wanted to put another punch in.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    That's a good angle to use, comparing it to what Adam and Eve did. It makes the point of how wrong the wts were to register as an NGO very eloquently.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Find some quotes about how evil they stated ithe UN was, and throw in
    some "Get out of her, if you do not want to receive part of her plague." stuff.

  • Atlantis


    That is a very good example to use that really drives the main point home! Good show! I think it makes the whole "U.N. Watchtower" subject much easier to understand for many who are still asking questions.

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • uninformed

    Great Reasoning LORU,

    Wish I could have thought of it myself.

    What a fine argument.


  • JimWood

    That a good way to put it. For what its worth here is the link for the letters I have sent in.


    Good luck and keep us posted

  • becca1

    I love your line of reasoning. I hope I never have to use it, but I'll keep it in mind.

  • avengers

    I understand your line of reasoning, but I don't think I would use it because I don't believe in the org, their teachings and any other crap they use to keep the flock under control. If you think you can succeed though, go for it.

    Personally I don't think there's anything wrong about using the library, or even that they became associated with the UN.
    I see nothing wrong whatsoever in this because the UN can do a lot of good for people in this crazy world.

    The point is this: In all the years of the WT's existence they have portrayed the UN as the "Scarlet Colored Wild Beast" of Revelation.
    They have taught that anyone who associates themselves with this "Wild Beast" has turned themself against Jehovah and without repentance shall not be able to live in the "New System".

    The WT has admitted that they associated with this "Beast"; it does not matter for what reason they did this.
    The mere fact that they did associate is enough to know that they are a false prophet, an evil slave.
    They have not repented of this gross sin showing that they have committed (according to their own words, not mine) the ultimate sin against the "Holy Spirit"thus no repentance is possible for this evil slave.

    This evil slave shall be thrown into (again according to their own words) into the "lake of fire, the second death".

    Bye bye WT. (ofcourse I don't believe in this crap, thanks to the WT.)

    I see them as an organization that's in for power and money.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    The Watchtower Society DID NOT need to register as an NGO in order to use the library. The library access thing is a complete red herring.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Really enjoyed your comments and agree with you that the Society has played the role of hypocrite to a professional level. I do not think though that the UN issue has been beaten to death nearly enough. I would not mind seeing a comment on it every day for many years to come. I wish there was some way we could get it into the newspapers, but doubt that they would care. I would hope that everyone who read your comments would snail mail a copy to three or four of their favorite elders, anonymously. You would quickly find out who the men of integrity are, and they would turn in their eldership and leave this apostate organization and all its superfine leaders. Are there any men of integrity left among the elders?



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