i have pm'ed the auther of this thread with pertinent un information.
United Nations Library - The Forbiden Fruit? (kind of long)
by Lo-ru-hamah 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
When did they join and for what REAL reason. Are they still members? Did they advise the JW's that they had become members? If not who found this out and when?
If this is all on here.... anyone got the links.... I think my drifting dad may be very interested in this subject and may help me to help him OUT!!!!
Try starting here.
Lo-ru-hamah, very good.
i have sent the author of the thread a link to my site with the information needed. it is all inclusive.
Thank you all for your comments and the assistance you have offered with your letters and links. They have been very helpful. I would post the entire letter but it is rather long. 9 pages. I have used some of your suggestions and I will keep you informed about the reply (if any).
Thank you again.