I have just put together a table with percentages that highlights quite simply what a JW can and can not have. The WTS does not present it in this simple format, as graphically it is quite obvious how senseless their stand is.
Allowed blood products by %, from KM 06, how can a JW not see thru this
by jwfacts 47 Replies latest watchtower medical
That is excellent! Appreciate the effort you put into that. Nic'
Thanks for that chart...that's definitely a clip and save.
Allowed blood products by %, from KM 06, how can a JW not see thru this-
I will answer that question from my own ignorance. I first heard of the acceptance of fractions, and I was for it.
I decided that the organization was very FORWARD thinking, because it recognized advances in science and
medicine that "Jehovah" would not have explained in the Bible to ancient people.Wow, what a crock. The basic idea that donated blood should be poured on the ground, never allowable, unless
you are receiving a fraction from it, is ridiculous. JW's painted themselves into another corner and then were
happy that the loyal ranks did not mind much.I believe this is all to head off lawsuits in the future. WE TOLD THEM THEY COULD TAKE THIS STUFF.
Great chart!!
I do have one suggestion. There is at least one fractionated component that I believe is not transfused - water. If that is true then a column could be added to the chart showing the % of blood products allowed vs. the % of blood products actually transfused. Make sense?
For example, water is a huge % of blood and it is not transfused. Therefore the witnesses accept more than 19% of transfusable fractions.
I think showing a dub that they accept something like 65% to 85% of transfusable fractions would be meaningful. If that's what it comes out to be.
The current excuse is just what you said, that "medical advances" have created new fractions, making it necessary to change the wts rules.
The fact is that fractions have been around for decades. I wonder why they let us get maimed and some of us die for decades until they got around rethinking the rule.
JWFacts, where do you find the percentages in your chart? I was reviewing ajwrb.org and their percentages differ. It's totally possible that I'm not reading the information correctly either.
Thanks for that, I will save that one.
The Listener,
Yes it makes sense. Although the Nov 2006 KM only discusses in detail 19% of allowed components the 2004 Watchtower states that 'blood fractions' can be transfused, making 100% of blood allowed. I need to find the quote and add it to the chart.
The percentages vary as to the source, as these are only averages, each person has a slightly different composition.
Another thing that makes a difference is that sometimes the quoted percentage is in regards to blood as a whole, other times it is referring to the percentage of a component of blood. One thing that ajwrb.org that does have very high is hemoglobin as a percentage of red blood cells, I am not sure how they got such a high figure. I think they are including the hemoglobin from within the fractions of the red blood cell fractions.