WT June 15, 2004 - has chart showing major components and fractions below. it states that a christian is to decide on fractions.
Thanks for answering my questions. I'm having this battle at home almost as we speak.
by jwfacts 47 Replies latest watchtower medical
WT June 15, 2004 - has chart showing major components and fractions below. it states that a christian is to decide on fractions.
Thanks for answering my questions. I'm having this battle at home almost as we speak.
All these fractions are a conscience issue? But if your conscience doesn't match that of your hall you will be marked or shunned in some way still? It seems to me halls differer in their hardline stance on different issues. Or should I say lack unity.
Thank You SO much for the chart!!! My mom wa just saying she needs to go talk to my JW Grandmother, and try to show her how rediculous this is!! They have the rank and file so confused, the are saying no to even fractions because they are so confused. There is a method to the Societys madness, I believe it all has to do with the whole Tort of Misrepresentation Lawsuit!!
Lady Liberty
Hmmm....maybe they'll find futue "new light" in here? They're going to need some sort of "new light" because this is just too confusing.
Great Chart jw
But... "Jehovah knows best"
The whole idea is damn stupid if blood is wrong they might as well ban all its components because people are not supposed to give their blood to begin with. They have produced such a legalistic maze out of it.
That "quote" from Acts 15:20 is the most disingenuous thing I have ever seen.
Might as well quote the Bible like this: "In.......Saints" The:Bible (first and last words)
I can make ANY verse say ANYTHING I want using their system of paraphrasing.
I've already got the new KM on blood and it is designed to confuse while legally covering their bases
I have just read the KM and thought the following (which has probably already been stated many times on the various threads related to this topic):
- This sort of "casuistical outsourcing" to individual JW "consciences" is an obvious demonstration of moral cowardice on the part of the Society. The most scrupulous JWs are left alone with their so-called "Bible-trained conscience," between their physical and metaphysical anxieties (die from refusal of treatment or at Armaggedon, if they accept the treatment while not being totally convinced it's "right"). And those who fed them those scruples for years can peacefully disclaim any responsibility in their choice.
- Every appeal to "individual conscience" for specific issues such as blood fraction actually highlights the Society's responsibility in the other cases, i.e. the refusal of full blood transfusions or so-called major blood components. It plainly shows that when a JW refuses such it is no mere "personal decision" as the WT shamelessly maintains before doctors and judges.
- It takes less and less insight for the individual JW to understand that, if the Bible doesn't specifically teach anything about "blood fractions" it doesn't teach anything about "major components" or "blood transfusions" either.
Did you catch the little phrase they use to blame the R&F when the lawsuits start?
"When making such decisions, consider the following questions. Am I aware that refusing all blood fractions means that I will not accept some medications, such as certain ones that fight viruses and disease or that help blood to clot in order to stop bleeding. Could I explain to a physician why I reject or accept the use of certian blood fractions?"
They are throwing it all back on the publisher like they have always done. Bastards!!!!!!!
One thing that ajwrb.org that does have very high is hemoglobin as a percentage of red blood cells, I am not sure how they got such a high figure. I think they are including the hemoglobin from within the fractions of the red blood cell fractions.
I would guess that this figure was extrapolated by comparing "normal" figures for mean corpuscular hemoglobin (~20 - 33 pg) to mean corpuscular volume (~80 - 96 fl) to arrive at an average specific weight and then comparing the hemoglobin as a percentage of the whole.
At any rate, the high percentage is not surprising because mammalian erythrocytes lose their nucleus and organelles as they mature, so that they are literally little more than bags of hemoglobin during their working life.