Oh God, there have been so many nutcases in my Hall!
One brother was doing the reading, and he was asked to read a scripture with the word "organism" in it, but instead he read "orgasm" and never caught himself!
One elder was giving a public talk and kept using the term "half-assed", because he thought it was "half-fast" and he must have said it a hundred times during that talk! After, someone told him what he was actually saying and he cried!
One sister was trying to "hook up" with a brother who'd just lost his wife in death. She raised her hand and said something about the nights being lonely and there's nothing like a BIG BIG brother there for a sister (I don't remember the rest). Boy we were shocked! She was doing all this moaning and heavy breathing into the mic, and we all froze. It was the longest 2 minute comment in the world! I thought she was going to come right out and say that she was in need of some sexual healing! No question about it, she was getting hot and bothered in the hall.
Oh there's so much more, I just don't have time to put them all in here right now!!!