Whats the funniest/most bizarre comment heard from the audience during a WT

by chiddy 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confession

    One time when I was conducting the WT study, I was trying to convey the importance of not hitting a newly interested person with too much information at once. I said...

    Me: "For instance, if we're having a good conversation with someone at the door--and they're smoking--should we feel the need to tell them how wrong smoking is?"

    Commenter: "No, we don't want to pull the rug out from under them."

    Me: "Right, we can do that later."

    Everyone laughed, but it took me awhile to understand the humor.

    Once, during the Memorial, when my daughter was maybe a year and a half old, the bread was being passed by us on a silver plate. It was dry and curled up in a familiar shape to her. While everything was completely still and quiet, she said in a very loud voice, "TACO!"

    For a time we had a very old woman who was studying. We found out later that she had some type of chronic digestion problem. Nearly every meeting she would walk back to the ladies room, but just before getting there she would release a rapid-fire succession of explosive flatulence, easily heard throughout the Hall. How exactly do you continue conducting a Book Study after that?

  • monkeyshine

    I can't think of any good ones but these are great!

    It got me thinking, it's kind of cool that we all have these things in common. Only we could appreciate these comments because when we read them it triggers something. Can you see the inside of the hall? Can you smell that kingdom hall smell? Can you see the textbook 'JW chairs?' Can you hear and see the older sister commenting and the apprehensive laughter throughout the hall? We are unique in this.

    Sorry, I just thought I'd point that out.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    While giving a closing prayer a said thankyou you jah for your word which is just like ox-tails to us. Earlier in the meeting the scripture was used about gods word being like an ox-goad

  • looseend

    it wasn't a WT study, but when they first announced i was DF'ed one of the brothers doing the mics started to sing "another one bits the dust".....just kidding... i wasn't even there

  • Little Bo Peep
    Little Bo Peep

    Back around 1965, my dad was the "congregation servant", and during the CO visit while conducting the WT study, he was explaining how Satans organization has tentacles spread everywhere, but he said "testicles" instead. Everyone could hardly control themselves and my dad didn't realize what he said.

    Little Bo Peep

  • lovelylil

    We had an elderly sister who was a widow and was constantly ignored by the congregation. During a WT study on caring for the elderly this lady raised her hand and her comment was "I sure don't see that in this congregation. My worldly nieghbors take better care of me than anyone here!". - Lilly

  • AuldSoul

    My first comment in the Spanish congregation was very simple . . . after all, I was just learning the language.

    The answer to the question was "Jehovah's Witnesses" which should be "los Testigos de Jehova" (los Tes-TEA-ghos de Hey-o-va) . . . but it came out (los TES-tea-ghos de Hey-o-va)

    The Columbus OH spanish cong. was over 1/2 gringos at the time, so everyone thought my answer was "the testicles of Jehovah"

  • Roski

    At the book study (can't remember which book) an older, and always very vocal brother, commented that many women - selfishly - do not breast feed their babies because they do not want to ruin their figure....wonder what pregnancy does??

  • outoftheorg

    This was a few years ago in El Cajon, a city almost a part of San Diego.

    We had just moved there and were new in the hall. There was this rather young man conducting the wt study. I could see that he was nervous. I learned that it was very hard for him to face a crowd of people and keep his cool.

    So anyway he is up front nervously conducting, when his wife raised her hand to answer.

    He sputtered and turned beet red. He couldn't remember his wifes name. He tried one or two and then his wife just started answering and he stopped.

    The whole audience cracked up and it took a while to get things going.


  • SirNose586

    This filipina sister in my hall has...interesting...takes on normal things, and expresses these ideas in her comments. For example, she once said that the macarena was idolatry because there was an idol/goddess named after it. It drew scattered snickers.

    One study in the hall is a biologist studying at either UCSD or USD, I'm not sure which. Anyway, he got called on and offered a very long comment...it must have been 2 minutes easily. The study is Chinese, so his English is workable but in heavy accent. Intelligent guy, and very nice. He was talking about mice and contamination and explained the difference in genotype, the experimental procedure, how expensive the mice were, and how certain types were more costly than others, and how you had to be sure not to contaminate results....I'm sure he had a grand plan with this relating to sinful human nature (the study was on sin), but the setup took so long everyone was glancing backwards at him and the conductor was clearing his throat and trying to gently encourage him to give up the mic. He didn't get to comment for a long time after that.

    Then the study got the mic again some time later, and boy did his dub handler regret it. The study's comment was shorter this time, but this time he was quoting someone else. He kept saying what sounded like "Porsche" or "push it," but it was really "bullshit!"

    I have not heard a comment from him since.

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