It seems like the Witnesses are going to be told that they they now CAN take blood---at least some of it! I asked my mom a few minutes ago if SHE would take blood fractions and she said "NO!". I gave her a head's up on what to expect from the new KM. Then I heard dead silence and I had to take a work what should we be prepared to say about the blood doctrine to our believing Witness family or friends to get them really thinking???
How Would You Explain The Stupidity Of The Blood Doctrine?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Either the lights getting brighter and brighter or dont look into the light it will make you crazy.
I asked my mom a few minutes ago if SHE would take blood fractions and she said "NO!".
Well you could point out that virtually everyone has accepted various blood fractions.
What would your mother do if she pierced her finger deeply with a sewing machine needle? Or stepped on a nail? She would go to her doctor and recieve a tetanus booster. (I hope) What if it has been more than five years since her last booster? (As is the case with most of us...) The doctor would also give her tetanus immune globulin -- a blood fraction. The doctor wouldn't think anything of it and neither would she.
I don't think it is clear enough to many older JWs that they can now choose. It is too complicated and they are afraid they will make the wrong choice and get df'd or worse lose out on "everlasting life."
It seems like the Witnesses are going to be told that they they now CAN take blood---at least some of it!
The last significant change was from a 2000 WT. This change included any fraction that could be derived from any of the "four primary components." This is still the case today regardless of the verbage found in the new Awake and Nov. KM.
I can't see them allowing any other components with an upcoming announcement. The Awake and KM article merely cemented it.
One of my JW relatives became ill about 2 years back and I remember they decided to accept blood factions, or is it fractions? Anyway, my mom was apalled and we had a long conversation about it. I told her I was of the opinion that its either all or nothing, no breaking it apart. She decided she would not take any blood products what so ever for her self. The whole thing has become rather ridiculous in my mind. If the society is going to go this far.....give it up already. Reminds me of the Pharisees once again.
Good thoughts, all! Blondie, I agree that many oldsters are afraid to change or accept it---believing that they are possibly going to get in trouble for it. The blood mess is so unreasonable---who could ever figure it out on their own??
They have made it so complicated now that most jws, paricularly the older ones, won't have any idea what they can accept and what they can't should they ever need surgery. They'll probably be so scared of accepting the "wrong" parts of blood that they won't accept anything.
Minimus has a point here, but let's reverse it. Let them explain it to us. Is there a single question that we can put to them that will make them see the stupidity of this whole thing?
I'm not sure if this would work but here goes.
"If it is ok to take every fraction of blood when they are broken down to their smallest parts, why can you not take the blood when it is not seperated? What is the difference? - I know that's two questions.
Even simpler than that:
Ask them to show you, from the Bible, where accepting a "component" of blood is the same as "not abstaining" from blood, but accepting a "fraction" of blood is still considered "abstaining" from blood?
Or even simpler:
Based on the Bible, what is the difference between a "component" and a "fraction" of blood?