Goodbye all.

by peacefulpete 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    If you really are going to go, then I add my farewell.

    Your posts have always been thought provoking . I may not always have agreed with what you said , but i enjoyed reading it and i learned a lot of stuff. Thank you.

    there is no need to stay away, (you are not d/a'd !) drop in when you are ready. All the best ..


  • HadEnuf


  • greendawn

    Wishing you all the best for the remaining journey of your life but you can always drop in and say hello every now and then.

  • nelly136

    wish you and missus pete a lifetime of sunsets and happiness,

    but what on earth is that yellow stuff in that bottle?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Pete I know how you feel.

    I've kind of moved on myself and I'm not nearly as involved as I used to be. I like to keep in touch with friends I've made here and elsewhere, and I'm thankful I'm allowed to do that.

    We never interacted much except for one thread which involved the question of child abuse and its derivations in the ancient Green and Roman worlds. Never mentioned it then, but I did appreciate your dispassionate presentation and reasoned outlook. I thought you made a better case for your view than I did mine.

    At any rate, be well and enjoy the journey.


  • Narkissos

    Oh boy I made an empty post!

    Well pp you have an e-mail

  • stillajwexelder

    hey keep in touch - sorry I missed you both this year

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Good luck to ya'. Who's to say ya' can't drop by for a cold one once in a while though?


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I think everyone should take break from this once in a while

    Good-bye and good luck

  • chiddy

    looks strange that yellow stuff in the bottle. reminds me when you were kids and you fell over in the playground and scraped your knee mum or the nurse would put this strange yellow stuff on it

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