by apocalypse 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • apocalypse

    JWs are allowed to sit on one side of this machine, but not the other.(see link below)

    On one side, a witness may sit and recieve life-saving fractions that gAwd will allow. But if that same witness sits on the other side, he or she will be disfellowshipped, shunned by peers, kinfolk and gAwd allFrighty for donating blood.

    On one side of the Baxter AMICUS Separator, a "worldly" non-'witness who will die at Armageddon can sit comfortably and donate blood, but a witLess may not for fear of "displeasing God" and being TERMINATED AT ARMAGEDDON. But it's OKAYSIE with gAwd if you get the goods on the other side.

    Item Code:4R4580
    Description:AMICUS Separator is a self-contained, automatic, continuous-flow, centrifugal device that separates whole blood into various components for collection


  • apocalypse


    Item Code:4R4580
    Description:AMICUS Separator is a self-contained, automatic, continuous-flow, centrifugal device that separates whole blood into various components for collection
  • rebel8

    I hereby appoint you Saint Apocalypse, patron of blood fractions, railroads, zombies, and spies.

  • apocalypse

    Thanks. I always thought of myself as a Saint.

  • XU

    Bro and Sis Tubman, Thanks for your work. Like Rebel8 I would probably have to commit idolatry in the victorian decor bathroom. But if I was in your hall, it would be so exciting. I would be in your cargroup every time. It is really sad that some people have given up. I recently ended my quasi-relationship with my parents because it was getting to my head. It seemed impossible to work my mom up to that point, I tried, but I didn't have the patience or the vision to see it through. Maybe someday.

  • apocalypse

    I read the last post and was sitting here pondering what it would be like to have helpers within my own congregation.

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