The Internet: A greater threat to the WTS than we ever dreamed

by Elsewhere 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    done4good, I think that this is the point. They are damned if they do nothing and damned if they do something.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Good post , Elsewhere.

    To me, this is a problem with no solution for the wts. If they try to ban use of the internet with threats of disciplinary action, then that might work with some, but it will make others, probably the majority, curious, and even more likely to take a look.

    If they do nothing, the easy access to information will eventually kill them off anyway. I would think it must be affecting recruitment now, as anyone contacted can easily access information on them.

    I think the wts are in a no - win situation here.

  • Sunspot
    "But I am not sure I would call it a threat. The average Witness is trained to reject anything said that is negative as a test from Satan himself!"

    A gal had written to another board and had said she had been's what she posted:

    "I've been studying for almost a year and recently started attending the Sunday meetings on a regular basis. I have had tremendous opposition from my husband. I decided recently to do research on my own about Jehovah's Witnesses and not only am I confused, I'm feeling a little betrayed by what I'm not being told. I feel I won't know fully what's required of me until after I'm Baptized. I would appreciate any comments pro or con. Thanks"

    There were several replies....some from active JWs and some from exJWs....and on one particular point I had given my opinion on the "WTS views" and she posted this:

    "I so appreciate your comments, you are so wise.

    Needless to say I feel a bit confused at times and some of the postings makes a part of me doubt my decision. Thank you for putting it back into perspective for me.

    Much love & gratitude,

    She is stopping her "study" and going back to her church. So...without the internet THIS could not have happened!

    People would not be able to exchange ideas and debate WTS teachings on a worldwide basis! So I positively DO see this as a REAL THREAT to the WTS, both to prospective recruits (studies) and to those even deeply entrenched in the religion. (Take ME for example, LOL!)

    Think of how many lurkers read posts like this one and all the ones that expose the WTS for the farce that it IS and the JWs that have had enough and have left....they all count for something and have an impact on the readers whether they choose to admit this or not.

    A seed is a seed is a seed....and once it is planted, who knows HOW it will take hold and grow...or WHEN! Sometimes something has been said that is tucked away in the brain somewhere and then is revived and "brought to mind" many months or years later, just re-inforcing the little tidbit of information that had been previously stored.

    Just LOOK at all the new ones we have seen on this board alone! The increase has been the WTS is losing ground all around. We see graphs and pictures every so often...depicting "WTS growth", but we never see the numbers of those that have left voluntarily or have been kicked to the curb.

    The WTS is fighting a losing battle.....and I couldn't be happier!


  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks Sunspot, for that good news.

    the WTS is losing ground all around.

    Yes, I would imagine thousands of JW are lurking somewhere in the internet.

  • brutusmaximus

    My old man won't go online as he is scared of seeing something he doesn't want to see

    He blames the tinternet thingy on me coming out, although it was I say it was self study etc so they can't throw the apostate book at me


  • V

    "Many of the politiciansGoverning Body don't actually understand the phenomenon of the Internet very well," Schmidt told the Financial Times. "It's partly because of their age ... often what they learn about the Internet they learn from their staffs and their children."

    That is true. Expect anti-internet action after the old GB die off. But will be too late.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    (Auld Soul)

    You are correct that the younger ones have grown up googling their information. I have kids in college and they use the internet for everything. I wish I had the internet when I was in college. They use the internet for everything else too. Funny, though, I can't break that conditioning when it comes to googling the society. They are truly afraid.

    The internet could never be banned. I don't see how. It is similar to TV or movies, there is good and bad. And although the society has mentioned many times about putting the TV on a shelf in the closet, I never knew anyone who did it.Software that makes it easier to check up on what people say vs.what people do will make it more acceptable and easier.The society will have to be one step ahead. But those who seek to expose the society will only have to be one step ahead of the society. Don't think that would be too hard from what I've seen here. I often hear about things on here before my witness family does.

  • solo

    well I found this site by accident, I googled JWs as I was actually looking for the Society's official site and look what I got!!!
    (I was only looking for info about the Prague Assembly to see when the parents would be returning)

    so this is really good news for:

    1. JWs looking for all things Jehovah and finding all things apostate. Yes they may burn their laptop because they suddendly saw the big apostate, but then curiousity and the dead cat thing . .

    2. People studying and interested in joining surfing for some info. then finding out the truth

    3. Children of jws who are more likely to use the internet

  • Rabbit

    Can you imagine the BAD PUBLICITY the Watchtower would get if they tried to make JW's install "monitoring software"?

    I mean, I almost hope they would try ! They would lose a BUNCH of folks right away...and then the newspapers & TV would grab onto "Freedom of speech & information is forbidden by the Watchtower!" <-------- Headlines

    Can you imagine the embarrassment to all the young JW's from their 'worldly' peers ? What will non-dub relatives have to say ? And 'Door-to-door' should be a lot of fun, too.

    Bring it on...


  • proplog2

    The internet has been the most significant change since the invention of the electric generator that has made modern life possible.

    Only one thing remains to trump all other inventions and discoveries - contact with alliens from another dimension/planet/time.

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