Guess he wasn't a "Not At Home" afterall...
by Oroborus21 6 Replies latest jw friends
Austrian’s body found 5 years after death Man’s rent continued to be automatically withdrawn after he died Reuters Updated: 12:41 a.m. CT Oct 4, 2006
VIENNA - Austrian authorities have discovered the body of a man who apparently died at home in bed five years ago, a Vienna newspaper reported on Wednesday.
The corpse of Franz Riedl, thought to have been in his late 80s when he died, went undetected for so long because his rent had been paid by automatic order from the bank account into which he received his pension, the daily Kurier said.
Neighbors said there was no strange smell coming from Riedl’s apartment and authorities who found the body after a court order was given to enter said his body appeared to have ”mummified” and was well preserved.
“He had been frail and a woman had helped him,” the husband of the apartment block’s caretaker told Kurier, adding that mail had always piled up outside the pensioner’s flat. “We thought he had moved in with her or gone to an old people’s home.”
Police said they were not certain as to exactly when the man had died, but that they had found only schilling notes in the apartment — the currency used by Austria before the introduction of the euro on January 1, 2002.
Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.
how incredibly not only die alone...but to have no one to even care for five years?
What a tragic story. Did this poor man have NO family at all?
He was probably a disfellowshipped j-dub. That's why his family didn't check up on him.
How sad to die alone, with no one to care about you.
Related story:
There was an older sister whose husband had never been a JW. She had been one "in good standing" for many years faithfully attending the meetings. One month at the elders meeting, her book study conductor mentioned she had not been at the meetings for six weeks...he assumed she had been on vacation but he decided it was time to visit. Of course, he did not call ahead to make an appointment to see when it was convenient. He and another elder knocked on the door and the husband answered.
First elder: Hello, I am Brother Conductor and this is Brother Clueless. We noticed that your wife had not been at the meetings for some time and were stopping by to see her.
Husband (looking at them strangely): She can't come to the door, she died last week and her family buried her last Monday.
It seems that she had fallen through the cracks. Not a single person at the KH had thought to inquire about her for six weeks. I'm sure if asked, every person at the KH had an explanation. But it certainly gave me cause to wonder.