Dear Friends,
That I am an artist by profession as well as an art dealer does not necessarily make my observations of any greater weight or value. However, I am quite aware of what I create and what I sell in our gallery. Specifically, I set out with a general idea of a scene then allow the paint to "drool," as we say. Then I work the paint. The client will observe a face in a rock formation, an angel in the clouds, or a sail boat on the sea's horizon. And what is my response? " What you see I did not deliberately create." Another individual may or may not see said images. Then there is the work of other artists, internationally known, who consciously hide faces in a forest scene amongst the rocks and trees. There is no question whatsoever that there is "hidden" yet readily observable secondary imagery.
Now to the point. Countless subjects are discussed on this board, some of mild human interest and others enormously controversial, causing the blood to boil. The passion jumps off my screen, grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me vigorously. At this time I will withhold my conclusions regarding Watchtower art, but I must say I have studied it objectively. Others have weighed in, too. Professionals and the laity. Leaving out all speculation, possible hidden agendas and conspiratorial theories ( unless, of course, you feel the need to tie these in ), kindly give me your opinion as to why this subject fosters such a torrid flurry of emotion.
Yours truly,
Compound Complex