"As for the occult references, that's all back in Russell's day." Jgnat the fascination of the occult held its sway over the dubs even through Rutherford's days who was in all likelihood a spiritistic medium contacting angels that clearly weren't God's angels: they gave him an abundance of information that soon proved to be false. In addition they had the ERA boards at Bethel which were thinly disguised ouija boards and for which Goodrich had castigated them so much. In the 1950's we still find them contacting Greber, who was just like Rutherford contacting angels, to receive some advice relating to his spiritistic practices. Greber was defrocked by the Catholic church for these practices.
A Professional Artist Observes
by compound complex 22 Replies latest jw friends
I agree that there is something very distinctive about Watchtower art. I just don't think it's sinister.
"Twee" was the very English word my mother used to refer to their pictures. I wonder if SlimfatFace is old enough to know what it means? And if he does, will his acknowledgement of same be lost in a sea of over-generalisation about "apostates" and their flaws?
I love optical illusions, but I don't like subliminal advertising. http://www.michaelbach.de/ot/
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Recognition & Awards
cool site MsMcDuckett
Purps, did you find the face in the beans?
Purps, did you find the face in the beans?
yes and quit quickly too......I was a furniture buyer..........I seemed to have a good eye for blocking out what is the norm, and my eye can quickly catch something different and new. It's maddening sometimes as when I can go into a home and notice even the smallest details that are different.
As far as the WT art and finding hidden things in it..........I never looked long enough to notice much. Not until coming to this site and things were pointed out did I notice.
Purps, it took me a few of minutes to see the face in the beans!
Oh the formatting makes this thread too difficult to read.
Its like one long sentence thats really wide, so you have to scroll
sideways for hours. -
Katie, if you click on the link it will take you to the site. It's easier to look at on the web site.
Now, to ask you a question. Do you use subliminal art? Are do subliminal art? Maybe the Watchtower does use it or perhaps the artist subconsciously (sp?) uses it. I don't know; but if the Watchtower was using it purposely that would be kind of mean and sneaky.