Hello everyone,
My husband, the Black Pearl, had a interesting conversation with his mother today. She was trying to be all kiss butt nice, for today that is, to tell him about the new tract that is coming out in October. Apparently they don't have it yet. Well she made a statement that makes me think the tracts title IS the "big" announcement!!
She said something like, the tact has a big announcement about false religins end is near! My husband said, "And how is this big announcement any different then what they have been saying for years now??"
She didn't have much of a reply. Anyhow.. maybe THAT is the big announcement we have been hearing about. The reason I think this, is, she used the same phrase that we have been hearing hear on this forum for months. It doesn't explain though what we have heard about the announcement being hard for some to accept, and that the Society is worried about how some will react.
Anyhow.. just thought I'd throw this out there and let you guys kick it around a bit!
Oh.. one last thing.. I asked my husband if he told his mom that we had already read the tract and seen it?? He said no, he didn't want to let her know.. but I think it would have been funny!
Take care all,
Lady Liberty