Naughty! Naughty!, who's selling the DUBS answers?

by fokyc 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • fokyc

    Last night my wife came home and told me that some of the Dubs are buying their Ministry School answers from the internet!! This is the item in the KM:

    QUESTION BOX KM September 2006 For Britain

    Is it appropriate to compile material that will be featured in the Theocratic Ministry School and distribute it to others?

    It is permissible to do this for the personal use of family members and a few close friends.

    However, such material should not be made available for general distribution or be provided in exchange for money,

    as this would be a violation of copyright laws.—Rom. 13:1.

    For certain assignments in the Theocratic Ministry School, only a theme is provided; no references are indicated as source material.

    Would it be beneficial for someone to work up a list of references or to compile source material that could be used by those who receive such assignments?

    No. Neither would it be proper to compile the answers to the questions in the Theocratic Ministry School Review for use by others, as this would not help them to fix important points in mind.

    Students should do their own research.

    This is an important aspect of the training that Jehovah provides by means of the school to help us speak with "the tongue of the taught ones."—Isa. 50:4.

    Who's supplying the answers?


  • ballistic

    hehe, I've seen several talks written on here for active pubs , by... the so called apostates.

  • Zico

    I'd like to know too! Maybe I can buy my next talk?

  • PopeOfEruke

    I bet it won't be long before an evil apostate sets up a website like, and offers JW's ministry school asssignments for FREE!

    Then when a Dub requests an assignment, he gets sent apostate material about the "Troof" instead of the real assignment..

    Them apostates!!



  • itsallgoodnow

    that is so bizarre... the last time I went to the ministry school/service meeting (it had been a loooonnnnnng time) everyone had these special books. I didn't know what they were. Like notebooks or something.


  • dedpoet

    No. Neither would it be proper to compile the answers to the questions in the Theocratic Ministry School Review for use by others, as this would not help them to fix important points in mind.

    Students should do their own research.

    This is an important aspect of the training that Jehovah provides by means of the school to help us speak with "the tongue of the taught ones."—Isa. 50:4.

    Could it be that the indoctrination sessions aren't as effective as they used to be?

  • Sunspot

    Hmmm......I had forgotten about this but this subject got my foggy old brain thinking....there used to be something like this printed up on a computer (we didn't have one back then) for the Sunday WT study---that had all the scriptures conveniently cited by paragraphs, that saved just TONS of time and effort on a Saturday night, LOL!

    My superfine-pioneer daughter had married an MS and he would get these from a family member and give me one. I only got them maybe five or six times, and some killjoy put it into my SIL's head that these printed sheets were preventing ones from (GASP!) actually looking up the all scriptures, so he was asked to not hand these out any more.

    Needless to say....daughter & SIL still had them after that, but I was left out and had to go back to the old-fashioned and lengthy way of studying the WT. It was sure nice while it lasted though!

    Annie.........who doesn't even study the WT any more....even the long way!

  • greendawn

    I liked that quote of Romans 13:1 which explains that the dubs should obey government laws in this case the copyright laws which also protect the intellectual work of the WTS, but what about evading taxes which the WTS loves so much to do? Or are their accountants very good at finding loopholes in the law to avoid their dues to Ceasar?

  • becca1

    those "books" are the KM school material printed out and bound in book form. Most people do it themselves and email it to friends and family at the beggining of the year. I have never heard of anyone selling them, but I would not be surprised.

    Personally, I think it's probably an inocent thing, people sharing a useful tool with their friends. But the Society sees this kind of interchange as threatening...Go figure.

  • iamfreenow
    it's probably an inocent thing, people sharing a useful tool with their friends. But the Society sees this kind of interchange as threatening.

    They might see it as an example of some JWs thinking for themselves, and we know where that can lead, as do they.

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