I saw a beautiful thing yesterday --- a gift from God

by jgnat 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    I feel like God gave me a gift today. A gift of hope.

    Jgnat, Thats a beautiful story.

  • jgnat

    I think if I had approached them I would have just scared them. I doubt they would remember me. Remember, these people are the "untouchables" in our society.

    I very much doubt that an unscrupulous doctor would have taken their child. Much more likely a social worker involved convinced them to give it up. Believe me, this frail couple can barely care for themselves, let alone someone else.

  • purplesofa
    It really could be the subject for a very interesting novel

    Yes, a beautiful story........they problably have alot of stories of their lives together.


  • anewme

    Very sweet story! Their love touched your heart! Their loyalty and integrity to each other impressed you! There are some really beautiful things happening on the earth arent there?

  • katiekitten

    god thats so sad. Have they been homeless for all those years? Do they sleep rough? thats a really sad story. It hurts to think of frail people being treated so cruelly and casually by the world.

  • delilah

    What a beautiful story, Jgnat. Also, a sad one.

  • bubble

    Aaaahhhh! Lovely story, but heartbreaking that they ended up with no baby. All a child really needs is love, not material things.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear jgnat,

    Your ability to see and appreciate the "little" things that go on around us daily opens up to you the reality of what lies deeper. In this case, true and abiding love. Though not so heart-rending, it was nevertheless touching to meet up with old friends at my forty-year reunion and find some still married since graduation. Even two high school sweet hearts, long divorced but having children together, were very affectionate toward each other. I enjoyed your portrayal of the sweet, little couple and your insight that seeing them was a gift from God. Also, I read and benefited from your profile.

    Yours truly,

    Compound Complex

  • jgnat

    Thank you all for your kind responses. This is something else I find markedly different between my Christian walk and that of an upright Witness. I have been trained to look for the hidden treasures in this world, and express my gratefulness by giving back to it's beauty. A JW is trained to look for the bad in this world, and defer all beauty to the indefinite future (those obiquitous pictures, Complex). I think the world looks dull, dark, and grey for an immersed Witness.

    NOW as for destitute people in Canada, maybe I should explain a few things. We have a fairly extensive social net here. Homelessness this far north is a death sentence. Even the very poorest find some sort of shelter. The only places where people are truly desperate are away from civic observation. These would be some people stuck off in the bush in squalid reserves, and those peither through disability or choice, slip through the bureacratic cracks. My son briefly hung out with the latter, a loosely associated group calling themselves "Grazers". They live off leavings in people's private gardens and dumpster finds, and have developed an entire philosophy around tidying up the messy ends of our consumeristic society.

    This couple did not smell, so they have ready access to soap and water. They no doubt receive a monthly stipend from the government and subsidized housing. Their monthly bus pass would also be heavily subsidized.

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