If Someone Hurts You Or Pisses You Off, How Do You Usually Deal With It?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    I usually avoid them. Unless I cant and then I have to deal with it. The only place I would care is at work, at work we have to get along, and thats my livelyhood. Anyplace else, I just go the other way, lifes to short to be pissed, or to deal with jerks.

  • JH

    I ignore them.

  • troucul

    Passive-Aggressive bahavior works best. Make yourself unavailable in the event of one of their emergencies.

  • minimus

    Troucul, please explain.

  • lawrence

    Howdy minimus-

    I usually wished them a blessed day, then put a curse on them in Aramaic.

  • DesertRat

    I envy all of you here who are probably so used to asserting yourselves, expressing disapproval or disagreement (& not just on this forum), or 'taking care of' someone who has violated your boundaries or taken advantage of you in some way..

    Me, I certainly know how it FEELS to be hurt or angry. The difficulty lies in communicating that hurt or anger clearly to the outside world, & more importantly, in my letting go of a scenario once it has happened..

    It is not uncommon for me to 'rehearse' scenarios (even out loud) when I am alone, acting out all of the ways in which I might tell someone off or 'get back' at someone who has hurt me. But when it comes down to an actual confrontation, I am incompetent. In the rare cases where I am extremely angry & forced to say something, my mind freezes & I end up stuttering..

    I do tend to be passive-aggressive, & also have a strong sense of justice & retribution. At the end of a movie or TV program where some mass murderer has met a grisly demise, I often start laughing

    Part of my life challenge post-Org is working to change the behaviors that I can change, or learn new ones, & not to hate myself for the limitations which will always be out of my control..


  • fullofdoubtnow

    I do my best to avoid confrontations, so if anyone was behaving like that towards me, I'd ignore them.

  • parakeet

    When I was younger I avoided confrontation like the plague. But avoiding confrontation grew very wearying and never solved the problem. When someone ticks me off now, I try not to say anything when I'm seriously angry (I usually regret it later). But after I've cooled down a bit, I will tell the offender exactly what I think about their words/behavior.

  • minimus

    You can't always avoid confrontation and often you realize that people who are "friends" aren't always the best. When someone upsets you, how do you discuss matters to try to work things out???

  • Warlock



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