There is nothing worse than becoming the subject of the rumor mill and have your private life ripped to smitherines by the bitches in their cliques...the elders wives, the pioneers...the long timers who thought that since they were "born in the truth" they had the right to judge you if you were only in 10 years or less. Theyd talk sweet and encouraging right to your face and go into the women's washroom and talk about you like you were the biggest trailer trash, spiritual zero, black hole nasty-ass whore on the planet. I nursed three children over the course of the last 10 years of my "inprisonment" in the Borg and the things they said, speaking loudly over the speakers who were broadcasting the TALK into the bathrooms for OUR benefit...would curl your short hairs.
Made me sick...and I KNOW I made that list and stayed on it for a very long time.
Elders??? Just self important janitors and window washing assholes...most of em. God? Ha...the only ally I had and the belief that HE TOO saw all this shit and was not fooled by it gave me the courage to leave.