It is understandable that there will be a reaction to authoritarian organisations like the WTS and an attempt to counterbalance their extremist positions but then that all embracing liberalism (everyone has the truth) is absurd since there will in that case be so many contradictory truths. Eg the Moslems Jews etc don't accept Jesus as the saviour of mankind, to them it is a non truth.
Greendawn, your statement is born of thinking of Absolute Truth in a purely rational manner. There are many Truths in this universe that demonstrate the fallacies inherent in Aristotlean logic. For example, let's examine "wavicles." Light behaves as either a wave or a particle, depending on what sort of experiment you set up. So, the term "wavicles" was invented. The nature of wavicles is completely irrational from an Aristotlean standpoint, but this is a Foundational Fact of the Universe. It predates and out-ranks Aristotle ever so slightly.
The problem is not solved by thinking of light as particles moving in a wave pattern. A wave is not particles. When you observe a wave on the surface of the ocean you are not seeing particles of water moving across the surface. Rather, a wave is an undulating motion of the entire sea. Have you ever lifted an end of a long rug and snapped it to create a wave? if so, then you know that a "piece of rug" or "particles of rug" is not how a wave is propagated. It's an undulating motion of the whole. So too with light. Light is an undulating motion of the entire space-time continuum. Yet, it also behaves as particles (photons) depending on how you wish to treat the light. This is illogical in an Aristotlean framework. So much of modern thought has yet to catch up to the counter-intuitive facts of quantum mechanics and relativity.
When people such as myself or an organizxation such as Unity speaks of everyone possessing the truth, we speak of the non-rational personal experience of the Numinous, of the Ineffable. You mistakenly think you have God in your mental box, explained in a rational and logical fashion by various propositions about God. We rather teach people how to have a direct, experiential experience of "God" and leave any rationalizing of that experience to the seeker. We are not about uniformity or control or Arsitotlean logic applied to Ultimate Truth. A marvelous book you should read, but you won't, is The Power Of Myth.
As to "liberalism" I much prefer it to an ignorant, strident, triumphal ignorance and poor thinking such as I find among conservatives. G