Christ/Anti-Christ Tower/Anti-Tower

by Geronimo 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Geronimo

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. I see echoes of the WT founder in Unity's history. Did you know that the great-granddaughter of the founders controls everything from publishing Unity's magazines to the 24-hour Silent Unity Prayer ministry that generates the majority of the organization's approximately $30 million in annual income?

    Hello jgnat. Do you not see a basic flaw in your reasoning? Nothing at all akin to the WTS fiasco has occured in Unity. Unity Christians, unlike fundies and their ilk, are non-dogmatic. Hence, anyone trying the sort of shenanigans that Rutherford pulled would immediately cause Unity Christians to abandon it. Untiy does not attract the narrow dogmatic minded as fundie and evangelical sects do. Unity is small because people who embrace pluralism and a non-dogmatic stance in spiritual matters are a minority and always have been. Unity is composed mainly--NOT EXCLUSIVELY--of persons with a higher than average IQ and education.

    So, rather than point a finger at a "problem" that does not even exist, why not rather seek out what it is about Unity that continues to engender and foster openess and love and a non-dogmatic stance? Your approach is rather a nasty bit of work. G

  • Geronimo

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. I see echoes of the WT founder in Unity's history. Did you know that the great-granddaughter of the founders controls everything from publishing Unity's magazines to the 24-hour Silent Unity Prayer ministry that generates the majority of the organization's approximately $30 million in annual income?

    Also, jgnat, you are most uncdharitable by labeling Unity a "cult." Did you know that "cult" is simply a synonym for religion? Probbaly not, as most fundies with their "us versus them" mentality think of themselves as legitimate religion and everyone who doesnt confrom as a "cult." Your thinbking and relating in this matter has not changed on damn bit since you left the WTS. That is very sad. You exchanged one "Only True Religion" for another "Only True Religion." That's tragic. It's just about the worst thing I've ever heard or read. G

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