Faith is a prerequisite for gaining access to God…along with doing good works.
I have never quite got a handle on this thought, it used to bother me when I was "In"...After all if you have to have faith before you say the prayer, what is the point of praying if you have the smallest doubt about the outcome? Is God going to bar the Holy Spirit from rushing to aid a worthy cause because the one praying did not believe hard enough?
If you were in God's position , would this seem reasonable ? Not to me it would not..
"What are unacceptable prayers?"
Some examples: as per the Watchtower
*w966/1p.31QuestionsFromReaders*** (Not for the kingom to come to Earth)
WesometimeshearbrothersspeakoforprayforGod’sKingdomtocometotheearth.Isthisacorrectexpression?Strictly speaking, it is not a Scriptural way of expressing things. God’s Kingdom is heavenly. ...... it will continue to be proper to pray to Jehovah God in line with Jesus’ words, "Let your kingdom come." But we should bear in mind that the Kingdom will not come to the planet Earth in a literal sense. The Kingdom government resides in heaven, not on earth
w867/15p.25AlwaysDisplayLoveandFaith*** (not for a d/f'd person)So while Jehovah is the final Judge, we do not risk displeasing him by praying for a sinner when the evidence indicates that he is guilty of willful "sin that does incur death."
g929/22p.15DoesGodAnswerMyPrayers?*** (not for material things)Many today abuse the privilege of prayer. One school basketball team would kneel at mid court and recite a prayer after each game. But do you really think that God is a basketball fan or that he would stoop to tamper with a competitive game? (Compare Galatians 5:26.) Or how about the woman who reportedly prays for shoes?
w003/1p.4ThePowerofPrayer*** (not for the sick to get well)Some religions encourage the sick to pray to be healed now, pointing to the miraculous cures that Jesus and his apostles performed. ........... While not expecting such miraculous healing now, they (J W's) pray to God for his comfort and strength to cope with trials. (Psalm 55:22) When they fall sick, they may also pray for God’s guidance in obtaining the best medical treatment within their economic means.