Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-8-06 WT Study (PRAYER)

by blondie 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SirNose586

    So the r&f get an upgrade in the Courtyard status? Why change it at all? I'm just wondering why they had to flip on this, when they could've just shoved it under the rug. Yes, there really is no reason to conclude that the other sheep are in the Courtyard of the Gentiles. The WTS just makes stuff up as it goes along. Shame on you, r&f, for believing what we taught you!

    Thanks Blondie.

  • garybuss

    Why change the location where the "other sheep" are serving? This'll never come to bite em in the ass. Why did they bother to change the time of judging the sheep and the goats? That's a faith item and will never be proven wrong.

    Of all things to mess with, why mess with something that's not broke? It's almost like they're tryin' to wreck their own religion. What's wrong with these guys?

  • Arthur
    why mess with something that's not broke? It's almost like they're tryin' to wreck their own religion.

    I think this religion was already wrecked when it came off of Rutheford's drawing board.

  • Flash
    No longer live under the Law covenant…we can learn some vital lessons...That obviously cannot be learned through the words of Christ and his disciples.

    Acceptable prayers... What are unacceptable prayers?

    Excellant points Blondie.

    During a "genuine" bible study these questions could be openly and honestly discussed, but not with the WTS...its all dictation.

    Inner courtyard…only priests…unique spiritual condition

    Notice how the WTS raises the status of anointed Christians (only JWs); are their prayers more acceptable than non-anointed JWs?

    Doesn't the GB just LOVE to do this!?

    They just "have" to remind everyone of their status. Matthew 6: 5

    I don't recall Jesus forever reminding His disciples that He was "the Messiah!"

    After all the OT examples and the deceptive referencing of the early Christians, is it no wonder that JWs have more in common with Orthodox Jews than Christians?



    Thank you Blondie for once again unmasking the Pharisee!

  • Flash
    Of all things to mess with, why mess with something that's not broke? It's almost like they're tryin' to wreck their own religion. What's wrong with these guys?

    I noticed this too before I left. Changes for the sake of change. IMO, to the degree that they had any spirtiual insight..."their well ran dry." Luke 13: 34 and 35

  • BluesBrother
    Faith is a prerequisite for gaining access to God…along with doing good works.

    I have never quite got a handle on this thought, it used to bother me when I was "In"...After all if you have to have faith before you say the prayer, what is the point of praying if you have the smallest doubt about the outcome? Is God going to bar the Holy Spirit from rushing to aid a worthy cause because the one praying did not believe hard enough?

    If you were in God's position , would this seem reasonable ? Not to me it would not..

    "What are unacceptable prayers?"

    Some examples: as per the Watchtower

    *w966/1p.31QuestionsFromReaders*** (Not for the kingom to come to Earth)


    Strictly speaking, it is not a Scriptural way of expressing things. God’s Kingdom is heavenly. ...... it will continue to be proper to pray to Jehovah God in line with Jesus’ words, "Let your kingdom come." But we should bear in mind that the Kingdom will not come to the planet Earth in a literal sense. The Kingdom government resides in heaven, not on earth

    w867/15p.25AlwaysDisplayLoveandFaith*** (not for a d/f'd person)

    So while Jehovah is the final Judge, we do not risk displeasing him by praying for a sinner when the evidence indicates that he is guilty of willful "sin that does incur death."

    g929/22p.15DoesGodAnswerMyPrayers?*** (not for material things)

    Many today abuse the privilege of prayer. One school basketball team would kneel at mid court and recite a prayer after each game. But do you really think that God is a basketball fan or that he would stoop to tamper with a competitive game? (Compare Galatians 5:26.) Or how about the woman who reportedly prays for shoes?

    w003/1p.4ThePowerofPrayer*** (not for the sick to get well)

    Some religions encourage the sick to pray to be healed now, pointing to the miraculous cures that Jesus and his apostles performed. ........... While not expecting such miraculous healing now, they (J W's) pray to God for his comfort and strength to cope with trials. (Psalm 55:22) When they fall sick, they may also pray for God’s guidance in obtaining the best medical treatment within their economic means.

  • greendawn

    This division of Christians (are the JWs Christians anyway?) into two classes is simply a gross perversion of the Biblical truth which clearly tells us there are only Christians and non Christians without such a drastic division in the camp of the Christians to the point where one part, the much bigger part in this case, do not even have the anointing of the spirit or a part in the new covenent. That leaves them without any status, they are neither under the old covenent nor under the new covenent.

  • heathen
    Revelation 7:9-15 gives further details, telling of "a great crowd" from "all nations" who gather in worship and prayer to God "day and night" as they stand in the outer courtyard of the spiritual temple

    That's funny , my WTBTS ordained bible says that these people are inside the temple ,not in a couryard. Rev 7:15

    Obviously Isaiah is talking about a time prior to the "rapture" (let reader use discernment) .New Jerusalem is a floating city and that is what I think is being mentioned .The temple of New Jerusalem is in fact Jesus and Jehovah Revs 21:22

    It's just ridiculous how they can say that the city itself isn't a real city . These people are perhaps the biggest blasphemers on the planet .

  • BookOfJude

    "3. Does God hear and/or answer the prayers of non-JWs?" Considering the amount of Watchtowers and publications which have "meek ones" praying for help and then having the Dubs show up on their doorsteps...

  • BookOfJude

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