Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-8-06 WT Study (PRAYER)

by blondie 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Welcome, BookofJude.

    This a case of the WTS speaking out of both sides of their mouth.

    1) Non-JWs can pray and be heard if they pray for the "right" thing.

    2) But non-JWs cannot pray and be heard if a more qualified person is there, such as a baptized JW, at a Bible study.

    3) What if a sister has an unbelieving husband who wishes to pray for the family at mealtimes and at other times? Are his prayers acceptable, can she say "amen."

    *** w90 1/15 p. 4 Whose Prayers Are Answered? ***

    Pray only to Jehovah. It is useless-in fact, unscriptural-to pray to false gods,

    w90 5/15 p. 12 par. 10 Fear Jehovah, the Hearer of Prayer ***

    Like Cornelius, anyone today progressing toward dedication may be encouraged to pray. But an individual who is insincere about studying the Scriptures, does not know the divine requirements for prayer, and has not yet displayed an attitude pleasing to God cannot be said to fear Jehovah, have faith, or be earnestly seeking him. Such a person is not in position to offer prayers acceptable to God.


  • jgnat

    But an individual who is insincere about studying the Scriptures, does not know the divine requirements for prayer, and has not yet displayed an attitude pleasing to God the study leader cannot be said to fear Jehovah, have faith, or be earnestly seeking him. Such a person is not in position to offer prayers acceptable to God the study leader.

    Just GREAT. And WHO decides if the pray-er will not be heard? The Witness?

    No WONDER my poor unaccepted Witness hubby is loath to pray. However or whenever will he get it right?

    It is a cruelty to cut off common people from such a source of strength and comfort. How dare they.

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Enjoyable comments, thanks Blondie! I too missed the flip flop of the courtyard, with so much going on it was hard to know what we did or didnt believe. I love the way they try to make their two classes of Christians work in the publications - unfortunately when you are in you are somewhat blinded to what the scriptures really say about true christians.

    CS 101

  • Pistoff

    Noticeably absent in this discussion is the model prayer; maybe next week, eh?

    With this article, the WT reinforces the caste system they love so much, and why not? It gives them nearly unlimited power over 6 million people.

    I have adopted the recovery model of God, and prayer. I don't know what I believe about God anymore; it does not stop me from praying and getting relief and strength.

    The WT has turned prayer into priveleged communication between the righteous and an insufferably intolerant, micro managing God.

    ALWAYS the WT goes back to the OT, for here they find the power structure so like their own, that calls the terms under which one can even pray to God, of all things.

    This article also continues the psychotic nature of their doctrine; after the OT quote about "whoever, whatever" prayer being heard by God, they follow this by discussions comparing the priestly structure to the modern parallels, approach to God being restricted, and endless and impossible rules about prayer.

    When I rejoined the recovery community, I was still an active witness and regarded the spiritual part of as god for dummies.

    Now I see it as being more powerful than any religion, because it does away with all the structure between Higher Power and supplicant.
    It also helped me to see that accepting my misgivings about my belief in God would help me.
    All this I learned from recovery; very basic things that a lifetime of being a witness did NOT give me.

    Great job Blondie; BEST review yet.

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