I've never been a JW, but have a friend that is involved with the WTS. I first came here to see why people left and what caused them to do so. It has given me a larger perspective of how hard it actually is to leave, especially when you have family and friends that are still in. It also showed me how much courage and suffering it takes for people who choose to stay in, knowing the lies and mind control involved, because they cannot bear to leave without bringing their family out as well.
I've watched people grow from bitter to better on this board. It is an amazing counseling tool.
Most of all, it proved to me that the WTS has enslaved many highly intelligent, wonderful, people who have a great sense of humor and are strong enough to break the bonds, even as they choose to stay and rescue their loved ones. You inspire me! You give me the inside picture of what is REALLY going on. I need that. Thanks to all of you!