I post here because it is a way of expressing how you feel after leaving the wts, a form of therapy if you like, but even better as most have been thro` similar experiences and can help and advise you if need be. It is also a place where you feel at `home` with others, as i do believe we have a `bond` of sorts, the fact that we have been in the same cult brings us together. I have learnt a lot from different people already, and it is helping me to move on, but it is good to be able to keep up with the `latest` from the wts as well, just out of curiosity i suppose.
What are your reasons for posting here?
by sonnyboy 37 Replies latest jw friends
I post here because it is great to share thoughts with like minded people. I have learnt so much about the WBTS since reading the posts on this forum, it has really reinforced my determination to never go back, much as my family would like me to.
sonnyboy: To help others? To deal with personal conflict?
I was in a cult for 31 years of my life. I have been out for one year. I have a very clear grasp of JW dogma, and I am fast acquiring a very clear grasp of the rest of the world. I also have some facility with the language, and an ability to conceive and communicate cogent arguments.
But I am still wounded, in fact I am still being wounded, by this organization. So I still need healing, too. Just this morning a poster named Arthur posted something that helped me better identify why I left the JWs. It was a wonderful revelation for me that I did not leave because of doubts, or questions, or even doctrinal issues. It never set well with me when I explained those reasons, because I knew those weren't really the reasons I left.
If I was not posting here, I would not have had that extraordinary insight gifted to me by someone else who expressed my reality better than I could. I would say, I post here in the hopes that my posts will help others in much the same way. And I post here to get help from others. And I post here to deal with ongoing painful issues that this organization visits on my day-to-day life. And I post here because I have found friends here.
Those who have known me my whole life have severed me from themselves. While these posters here haven't known me my whole life, they can at least identify with much of my life, and that is more than I could hope for from those who could never really understand what it is to have been a JW.
AuldSoul -
Well, I pay for this Internet connection and like to talk. I also like to talk to people with a like interest and past. I post here, as communication is something I enjoy and this place fits the criteria of what I mentioned previously. Plus, it does often explain things happening in the religion, without me having to ask people in or attend to find out. This proves useful, as I still have a mother and in laws in. Often they say things to play mind games, and it is great to come back with that is said here in insight and take the fuel from their fire.
For me it is a case of helping other people since I left the dubs long ago and to learn some interesting things about the dubs that I didn't know, also generally being with people that I can readily identify with as ex members of the cult.
I have tried posting on three other forums over the years, none of them anything to do with religion, just particular things I am involved or interested in, like TES, the Teachers forum.
I have found with every other forum I have tried there are several people who can be very rude, hostile or just not welcoming. I have been put off all the other forums because I have never felt welcome, and have in some cases received quite hostile replies to really innocent discussions.
This is the only forum where I have found really friendly people, also really intelligent and funny people. Its the only forum where I have met some people who I now consider to be real friends.
So just like you would never stop talking to a friend, I feel I cant just stop posting here as it would be like ignoring my friends.
Also its the only place where I feel like people really understand the experiences of the first 30 years of my life. Even my current partner cant really know what it was like to live under the regime of that religion, although he does his best.
So I come here just to chat really, with people I like who understand me. If these people lived closer to me we'd probably be round each others houses all the time chewing the fat and not chatting online.
My reasons for being here is to help others know they are not alone http://exwitnessgrace.homestead.com/free.html When I was kicked out in 1987 I thought I was the ONLY one who had left Jehovah...I felt terrible only because I said I didnt believe Jesus came invisably in 1914.... It was two years before an Ex JW found me ( through Ray Franz ) Then I started to find out that I had been serving liars. for 25 years...... I have R A & if you think it wasnt painful pressing bells, knocking on doors with painful fingers- with such painful feet that was hard to walk.... No car( hubby wouldnt allow me to drive) Now at 79 if I can help ONE person know the truth I feel those 25 years were not wasted. & at 79 what else can I do?????. I leave the board & miss it terribly because some on here have become friends to me. Yes if your young GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE Because I believe Christ died for us to live MORE ABUNDENTLY!!!!!!!!!! Wish some one had told me that back in 1963 when I listened to a false prophet.
Right on Katie Kitten!!
I also like the people on JWD! I like the website! It is very intersting and moderated well to keep the conversations on topic.
I have learned so much and continue to learn so much here.
I am still trying to make sense of what the heck happened to me-----how I could fall prey to the JWs and spend 35 years in slavery to it. I want to someday put it all behind me.
Anewme -
Not much different from people who belong to support groups re a physical or mental illness, battling alcoholism or drug addiction, or people interested in scrabble or chess, or a particular TV show or sport.
I agree with Blondie above. I think I need the support group more than ever right now. It might die off and I will come less often as you have.
Bad Girl
I have just found this forum and my main reason for wanting to post on here is to find out as much as I can about the "bad" side of being a JW, the corruption, the cover ups, the things they dont tell you in their glossy magazines. I want to know it all, because you only really get told the good stuff, and no one tells you the bad, you have to find it out for yourself. So I am here to read people's experiences, learn all the things your not supposed to know about and generally help myself come to a better realisation of what I beleive and why.
If I can help someone else in a similar situation or give someone support along the way, that would be great